I've heard somebody say "South Korea began with president Rhee who invaded Takeshima,Shimane Pref., Japan on January 18, 1952 (Read Takeshima Issue: Unforgivable Atrocity Committed by the government of South Korea ) and will end with president Lee who illegally landed on Takeshima in the Sea of Japan on August 10, 2012 ( 5 reasons for Lee to land on Takeshima and to insult Japan and her people, Return of Japan PM's missive is just a childish prank , U.S. should demand ROK to appear at Int'l Court of Justice over Takeshima, and Nothing will hurt Japan even if our diplomatic relation with south korea is severed.). In Japanese characters or Chinese characters, their last names are written same. 李承晩 for the first South Korean president Rhee Syngman (written in the western manner) and 李明博 for the current or the last president Lee Myung-bak. A reason why the name of Rhee Syngman is written differently from that of Lee Myung-bak is that Rhee Syngman was brainwashed in U.S. , so as to serve as a puppet for the U.S. anti-Japan campaign before and after the Greater East Asia War ( "The Greater East Asia War" VS. "The Pacific War" ).
日本国島根県竹島 Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Regardless of the negative impact South Korean pres. Lee's illegal entry into Takeshima islets, Japan's intrinsic part will probably have on both economies, and particularly on regional stability and security, Japan shall never find legitmate reasons to forget and to forgive his outrageous and absurd behaviors including his offensive remarks on His Majesty the Emperor of Japan.
It is the time that Japan must firmly stand up against injustice South Korea has promoted based on the stories fabricated in collaboration with leftists whom U.S. has covertly and often overtly encouraged to grow up in the post war Japan.
If one were asked to summrize U.S. occupation policy through Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP), the title held by General Douglas MacArthur during the Occupation of Japan from September 2, 1945 to April 28, 1952 in a simple equation, one would formulate either one of equations below.
1. "Japan suffered defeat in the Greater East Asia War"
However, there is another equation.
2. "Japan suffered defeat in the Greater East Asia War"
Weaker than U.S.=Defeat=Justice
Whoever has taught Koreans a history of Japan-U.S. relations from the arrival of Commodore Perry in 1853, they support the first equation, upon which they have cooked up their own history of Japan-South Korea, thereby mythologizing that Japan forced Korea to agree on the annexation of Korea by Japan in 1910, during which Japan practiced brutal rule over Korea and Koreans.
For readers' better understanding, read the story below.
Japan's modern history and colonization of Asia by the west are inseparably related to each other. There are three major points we should consider as prerequisites for describing a history of modernizing Japan.
日本国島根県竹島 Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
The article I've just finished reading describes why South Korean pres. Lee decided to land on Takeshima islets on August 10 and later made insulting remarks on His Majesty the Emperor of Japan.
The article focuses on five reasons; 1. Failure to achieve Japan and South Korea cultural exchange project, 2. Higher recognition of a theory of declining power of Japan and U.S. within South Korea, 3. Imminent arrest of president Lee for bribery charges, 4.Possible violation of a decision on so-called "Comfort Women" made by Constitutional Court of South Korea, and 5. Failure to improve economic conditions.
South Korean president Lee has been afraid of ending his presidential tenure with no achievements. To avoid either the imminent arrest or being called incompetent president after he steps down as president of South Korea, he dared to brake a promise to keep status quo of Takeshima issue with Japan and at the same time insulted Japan and her people by making vulgar remarks on His Majesty the Emperor of Japan.
The article concludes that Japan should be better united with Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Mongolia, India, etc. by giving up an idea of emphasizing friendship with Seoul, and that Lee will be remembered as the president who has achieved the worst diplomatic relations ever recorded with Japan in the history of bilateral relations.
日本国島根県竹島 Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
The United States reportedly called on Japan and south korea to resolve differences through dialogue as tensions took a farcical turn.
However, the United States must be reminded that south korea is the one who has been instigating outrageous and absurd unrest in the Far East by refusing to appear at International Court of Justice while Japan has consistently and calmly held her firm position that Takeshima islets issue should be settled at International Court of Justice for decades, as suggested by U.S. ambassador Van Fleet.
The Ambassador clearly stated in his report that Takeshima remained under Japanese sovereignty and it was not included among the islands that Japan released from its ownership under the San Francisco Peace Treaty. He further stated that the dispute might properly be referred to the International Court of Justice and this suggestion has been informally conveyed to the Republic of Korea. (See the attached for details.)
Therefore, the statement (U.S. calls on Japan, S Korea to resolve isle dispute ) made by the United States State Department on Thursday August 23 regrettably contradicts her own ambassador's famous statement.
No disputable reasons exist; however, South Korea invaded Takeshima in 1952 when Japan was still under the U.S. occupation. Takeshima has been illegally occupied by South Korea since then. As Japan was powerless and placed under the U.S. occupation at the time of invasion into Takeshima by South Korea and as the United States failed to protect Japan's territory, the United States must assume full responsibility at least for facilitating settlement of the issue still existing between Japan and south korea.
Or, the United States should demand south korea to immediately appear at International Court of Justice as peacefully and repeatedly requested by the Government of Japan.
Report on Ownership of Takeshima by US Ambassador Van Fleet
Takeshima Issue: Unforgivable Atrocity Committed by the government of South Korea
日本国島根県竹島 Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
tweets "South Korea gained independence all by itself! " That's utterly fabricated and absurd! No one desired to be independent from Japan in those days. South Korea was forced by U.S. to become independent from Japan. That is a truth!
A true history tells us that:
On August 15, 1945 when Japan decided to end the Greater East Asia War, Governor of Korea, Great Imperial Japanese Army General Nobuyuki Abe and Commander-in-Chief, Lieutenant General Yoshio Kouzuki lowered "Rising Sun flag" and hoisted "South Korean flag", thereby initiating the establishment of Korean Nation Preparation Ccommittee and granting Korea autonomy. In other words, South Korea never gained independence from Japan but was granted "Autonomy" by Japan on August 15, 1945.
However, the autonomy granted by Japan did not last long. On September 8, 1945, the United States of America advanced its forces into Southern Korea (now called South Korea or Republic of Korea), the U.S. forces nullified "autonomy granted by Japan" and pulled down "South Korean flag" and hoisted "Rising Sun flag".
U.S. forces proved that Southern Korea was a part of Japanese territory, therefore, placed under administration of U.S. forces after September 9, 1945.
On September 9, 1945, a day after U.S. forces advanced into Southern Korea, General Douglas MacArthur declared that Southern Korea would be placed under administration of U.S forces. And, "Stars and Stripes" was flown over the sky in Southern Korea.
Therefore, August 15 is not the day South Korea became neither independent nor liberated. Three years later August 13, 1948 is the day when South Korea was established after becoming free from administration of U.S. forces.
Above all, Korea never fought against Japan to gain independence at all before and during Japan-Korea annexation because Korea asked Japan for the annexation in those days lest Korea would be completely controlled by either Russia or the western powers. The annexation of Korea was internationally fully recognized as being lawful. It was done in a peaceful manner.
The current education in South Korea has unjustifiably denied an apparent historical fact that Japan had long helped South Korea rebuild its nation even after it was devastated during the Korean war and that Japan had earlier developed Korea into a civilized peninsula during 35 years of annexation after Koreans vehemently sought help from Japan before 1910. Before Japan defeated Qing Dynasty (the last imperial dynasty of China, ruling from 1644 to 1912) in 1895, Korea was a complete vassal state of Qing Dynasty who had practiced brutal rule over Korea.
日本国島根県竹島 Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
@SatoMasahisa 先日のツィートでは、「日米同盟あっての米韓同盟」である現実の話がありましたが、日本としては、日本に敵対する韓国を日本の負担で駐留する米軍に護らせること自体に疑問が生じてきます。東アジアの安全保障が危惧されるとろではありますが、この点を米国を通じて韓国に説明させることも大切ではと考えます。
tweet as follows:
You tweeted yesterday on the reality that U.S.-ROK alliance depends upon Japan-U.S. alliance. If that is the case, there arises a question of why Japan has to bear expenses for keeping U.S. forces stationed here in Japan for defending ROK quite hostile to Japan. This question may jeopardize the East Asian security, however, Japan should communicate with ROK on the matter through the U.S. government.
tweets as follows;
Many South Koreans are not accessible to the reality that U.S.-ROK alliance depends upon Japan-U.S. alliance. 7 U.S. military bases in Japan, including Yokota, Japan are vital to UN forces logistics whose importance has unchanged since the outbreak of the Korean war. There is only the United Nations Command (Korea) (UNC) in South Korea while combat forces are stationed in
Okinawa and Iwakuni. Similarly, U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force in Japan are supporting South Korea. You will get a whole clear picture of what I say here if you examine the configuration of U.S. forces in Japan and the U.S. Forces in Korea.
The above translation is provisoional and
subject to change.
@JapanToday Stop repeating the same old deceitful story (full of lies) of Japan being defined as an aggressor while U.S. and others as defenders or victims! The arrival of Commodore Perry in 1853 is the beginning of U.S. invasion into Japan and also the nightmare that still recurrs and haunts Japan. It is a major source of misfortunes to Japan along with the illegal imposition of the current constitution on Japan at gunpoint while Japan was powerless during U.S. occupation. Many of your articles just defame Japan and her people. You will have to produce good evidence substantiating your points you have so far highlighted in the articles.
@JapanToday When you refer to Yasukuni Shrine in the article you have recently published, you use such terms as "War Crimes" and "War Criminals" which many find quite disturbing. I repeat "Define War Crimes and War Criminals" in the context of the Greater East Asia War, in which Japan helped the Asian nations and people gain independence from the brutal colonization by the west.
@VOA_News This is exactly what Washington has long wanted to happen before invasion into Japan. Both Roosevelt & Truman must be laughing in their graves! I repeat "Define War Crimes and War Criminals" in the context of the Greater East Asia War, in which Japan helped the Asian nations and people gain independence from the brutal colonization by the west.
tweets as follows;
Many South Koreans are not accessible to the reality that U.S.-ROK alliance depends upon Japan-U.S. alliance. 7 U.S. military bases in Japan, including Yokota, Japan are vital to UN forces logistics whose importance has unchanged since the outbreak of the Korean war. There is only the United Nations Command (Korea) (UNC) in South Korea while combat forces are stationed in Okinawa and Iwakuni. Similarly, U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force in Japan are supporting South Korea. You will get a whole clear picture of what I say here if you examine the configuration of U.S. forces in Japan and the U.S. Forces in Korea.
The above translation is provisoional and subject to change.
@onoderamasaru アイヌについては、詳しくありませんが、背後に、米、露の存在があることは、否定できません。モンゴル滞在中に、「日本がモンゴル系のアイヌを虐殺した」とするソ連による教育があったことを確認しましております。又、米国人は、「日本の先住民族」をアイヌとし日本人が侵略者であるかのような考えをもっていることも事実です。以前にも触れたかもしれませんが、戦後の駐日米国大使ライシャワーの著書日本過去現在Japan Past and Presentの中に「日本人は、白人の原種であるアイヌ人と混血した結果、優秀になった。」と主張しております。この文章は、後に、削除されていることを確認しましております。ライシャワーが親日家であるかのように日本では、報道されることがありますが、こいつはふざけた野郎であると思います。
戦後、日本は“差別”を叫ぶ団体に屈伏し続けてきた。政治家が「経済が発展すれば良い。臭いものには蓋!」と安易に考えた為だが、これにより多くの問題が深刻化した。北海道のアイヌ問題もそうだが、政府は「この政策を全国展開する」と明言。大問題だ! http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DDbcz65bmaOA&v=Dbcz65bmaOA&gl=JP
Naha Police Station, Okinawa Police Department has reportedly arrested U.S. Marine Corps Corporal Ian Tarver aged 21 on suspicion of having committed an indecent act against a 40 years old woman, a resident of Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.
According to the police report, a suspect Tarver allegedly pushed the woman down from behind and injured her head and right hand, and committed an indecent act against her on a street in Naha city at around 4:30 am today.
A person in the neighborhood heard the woman scream and called up police. He ran away from the crime scene. However, he was found 10 minutes later and was arrested by police. He has so far denied the alleged charges.
Note: The Penal Code of Japan
Chapter XXII Crimes of Obscenity and Rape
(Indecency through Compulsion)
Article 176. A person, who by violence or threat commits an indecent act with a male or female of not less than thirteen years of age, shall be punished with penal servitude for not less than six months and not more than seven years. The same shall apply to a person who commits
an indecent act with a male or female person less than thirteen years of age.
Chapter XXVII Crimes of Inflicting Injury
(Inflicting Injury)
Article 204. A person, who inflicts an injury upon another person, shall be punished with penal servitude for not more than ten years or a fine of not more than 500,000 yen or a minor fine.
@MyFukushima @OptimusCS The United States of America must be reminded that nuclear reactors installed at Fukushima Daiichi are those designed and produced by General Electric Company, which Japan should fully scrutinize in terms of faults, defects, etc., so as to determine if Japan can hold the company responsible for product liablity in the area of manufacturing defect, design defect, a failure to warn (also known as marketing defects).
RT @OptimusCS: Japan’s atomic power industry lost $46 billion since the _Fukushima_ tsunami.
A Twitter search for "japs" yielded many more similar results. Yeah, you're so
awesome, America. More here: Not
Again, America.
Eiji Kosaka, a member of Arakawa Ward Council, Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
@kosakaeiji 荒川区議 小坂英二
tweeted on August 6 as follows;
Hiroshima Massacre Day! I Please accept my most heartfelt sympathies for those who were massacred in the experiment of A-bomb on humans. To prevent this tragedy from occuring again, We Japan and Japanese nationals must strengthen ourselves and must nurture a necessary perspective. Determined to fight for what we conceive important, so as to prevent attacks and subsequent tragedies from outside. Be proactive and abandon illusionary pacifism.
Those involved in developing nuclear bombs at Manhattan Project initiated by U.S. pres. Roosevelt in full collaboration with Jewish scientists including Einstein who willingly signed a letter of petition addressed to Roosevelt, urging him to secure budget for conducting research on development of nuclear bombs, and two nations UK and Canada who unhesitatingly joined the U.S. efforts should be held fully responsible for the most serious war crimes ever committed against humanity in the history of mankind by U.S. pres. Truman.
At least two U.S. presidents Roosevelt and Truman must be arrested now for their atrocities whether they are dead or alive. The whole world should immediately organize and begin International Military Tribunal for the Far East here in Tokyo. They should be charged with the most serious crime against humanity regardless of what execuses and stories U.S. has made up for after the end of the Greater East Asia war.
Population of Hiroshima at the time of nuclear attack by U.S. was 420,000, more than a half of the population was wiped out by a single bomb. 122,338 innocent civilians including unborn babies perished because of the most malicious and the meanest intentions both U.S. presidents had harborded in those days. Within five years after the blast on August 6, 1945, 200,000 innocent people had died.
Nagasaki saw 73,884 innocent people instantly killed by two U.S. presidents and 140,000 more died within five years after their nuclear attack on Nagasaki.
In Japan, there are many victims of U.S. nuclear attacks still suffering from radiation exposure.
Mr. Toshio Tabogami, ex-chief of staff of Japan's Air Self-Defense Force insists "Nuke attacks on Japan. It's the worst inhumane war crime ever committed in the history of mankind. Thus, US had to produce "a scenario" in which Japan committed war crimes that she in fact never did."
U.S. hurriedly opened International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) in which US produced false evidences to prove Japan was guilty. U.S. imposed the current constitution on Japan at gunpoint while still holding IMTFE, clearly violating international laws.
Demand every American, every British, and every Canadian to pray for those victimized by their ancestors when it is the time of blast in Nagasaki at 11:02 (Japan Standard Time=GMT+ 9 hours) 67 years ago today. (Whites only, particularly Angolo-Saxon Whites)
Related Stories:
August 6 is Hiroshima Massacre Day
6th Aug. is the day we remember-
Just Remember Many Innocent Children Were Vaporized in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Japan will never forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki!
The Day to remember "Pearl Harbor" is a day of infamy for U.S.A.?
What Canadian Pierre Pariseau did----------
Japan still owes U.S.A. two summer gifts 日本は、67年前に米国から頂いたお中元を忘れていませんか?
Japan still owes USA two summer gifts painstakingly created by Pres. Roosevelt in collaboration with UK and CA with full support from a Jewish scientist Einstein and then presented by Pres.Truman via B-29. Japan has not come up with any clear idea of what to do with them.
Both Roosevelt and Truman regretably ignored Japan's diplomatic effort to bring an end to the war because USA strongly desired to conquer Japan and her people.
As July turns to August, it is the month of mourning. Atomic bombing Memorials of Hiroshima and Nagasaki before August 15, the day when we remember as the day of ending the war.
During this time of year, mass media prepare TV programs for retrospectively reminding the viewers of "Horrors and Miseries of War" by showing the U.S. forces films, in which we see corpses of Japanese soldiers lying around, dying Japanese soldiers, Japanese soldiers being burned to death by flamethrowers, and then Japanese women jumping off Banzai cliff, Saipan again this year.
I have to remind you here that all those programs are nothing educational but so designed as to input distorted and masochistic views of the Japanese history into TV viewers by showing the war dead. They are political propaganda being manipulated by the leftists trying to increase their power while just catering for the needs of the occupation forces. Thus, cabinet members of the leftist party, as the calendar turns to August, feel so relieved to see those propaganda films being shown on TV, trying to influence the Japanese viewers with distorted and masochistic views of history. And, then they believe it justified to ignore "Yasukuni Shrine".
Furthermore, those hypes the Japanese mass media use in August are those filmed by the U.S. forces. In other words, the scenes depicted in them are nothing but the American soldiers hunting down the Japanese soldiers as preys by guns and flamethrowers after the Japanese forces ceased to carry out the organized warfare.
And, the mere fact that the Japanese media continue to show those flicks produced by the U.S. forces, could be interpreted as subtly indicating that the Japanese media harbor the same mentality as the American soldiers who treated the Japanese soldiers like "Cockroaches". This shows that the Japanese mass media never mourn the war dead but they insult them!
Just ask yourself !
The Japanese mass media have so far refrained from publicly showing the dead bodies of those victimized in massive quakes and Tsunami that occurred on March 11 because they just can't publicly display the horrible pictures of the loved ones. But, foreign mass media continue to show no compassion and respect to those dead lying around in the disaster stricken areas by publicly exhibiting them although we can not stop the foreign mass media from doing so. One could easily estimate the degree of sorrow over deaths of their familiy members the surviving families would have when seeing them.
Similarly, just think of the reason behind the un-compassionate act of the Japanese mass media ! They regard the Japanese war dead as some kind of "Cockroaches" just like the American forces do.
How could they possibly insult the Japanese war dead in August, the month of mourning? What kind of mentality do they have? Don't they realize that they are our comrades enshrined in Yasukuni Shrine?
I further write a few points.
Remember the films showing the Japanese women jumping off Banzai cliff in Saipan? The American camera crew knew exactly where the best place to view and film the Japanese women jumping off the cliff was and then waited for them to show up. Because the American soldiers chased them to the cliff. We notice that they turned around to see who's coming after them before jumping off. The last image they saw before jumping off must have been the American soldiers coming after them with grinning laugh. Those Japanese women knew well what would happen to them if captured alive by the American soldiers. They chose to die rather than experiencing humiliation by the American soldiers.
They were Yamato Nadeshikos (Note:Japan women's soccer team "Nadeshiko Japan" named after Yamato Nadeshiko) so proud of being the Japanese. Why do the Japanese media keep showing their final moments ?
Notes: The above is an excerpt from the blog published in Japanese by Mr. Shingo Nishimura, (西村 真悟, Nishimura Shingo, born July 7, 1948) is a Japanese politician, an independent and a member of the House of Representatives in the Diet (national legislature). A native of Sakai, Osaka and graduate of Kyoto University Faculty of Law he was elected to the Diet for the first time in 1993.
The above translation is provisional and subject to change.
Yamato Nadeshiko literally means "Japanese Dianthus", a flower believed to be lovely and yet strong resembling to the Japanese women, always respecting the Japanese tradition and culture.
九月二日、戦艦ミズリー号艦上を忘れるな たちあがれ日本 西村真悟
6th Aug. is the day we remember that we shall not forget & forgive "Hiroshima Massacre", demanding U.S. to apologize to Japan and her people. Stop seeking any excuses for the most vicious and inhumane act ever committed in the history of mankind.
Don't let U.S. , CA, and UK, three vicious collaborators of "Manhattan Project", get away with this most serious war crime against humanity!
@ichiroak 親や教師は「弱い者いじめをするな!」「大勢で少数をイジメるのは卑怯!」コレを徹底的に小学生のうちに教えてやって下さい。そして大人は自分たちの職場ではどうなのか、自省してみて下さい。
tweets Parents and teachers should fully teach their kids "Do not bully the weak" and "Do not gang up on a few ! It is a cowardly move !" while they are still at the elementary schools. And, every grown-up must reflect upon themselves and their actions at their workplaces.
In reply to the above tweet: In an older Japanese society before it was influenced by the West, particularly the United States of America, there was always a strong heroic boy who dares help the weak being bullied no matter what the circumstance is. In a real Japanese society, there is or was some kind of "moral fiber" that prevents the strong from bullying the weak.
A recreation of Takayanagi's pioneering experiment, on display at the NHK Broadcasting Museum in Atagoyama, Tokyo from Wikipedia
Kenjiro Takayanagi is a Japanese engineer who developed the world's first TV set to display the received electric signals on a cathode ray tube on December 25, 1926 although the West, particularly the United States ignored his contribution to the development of all-electric television set.
It seems obvious that the hatred toward Japan and her people deeply embeded in the U.S. occupation policy has surfaced even in the area of television development after the Greater East Asia War ( read this post "The Greater East Asia War" VS. "The Pacific War" ), as evidenced in the historical fact that General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), banned Japan's research on TV during the occupation of Japan.
Kenjiro Takayanagi from Wikipedia
I have found his very interesting assertion in The Wartime Journals of Charles A. Lindebergh published in 1970, which says as follows;
You ask what my conclusions are, rereading my journals and looking back on World War II from the vantage point of a quarter century in time. We won the war in a military sense; but in a broader sense it seems to me we lost it, for our Western civilization is less respected and secure than it was before.
In order to defeat Germany and Japan, we supported the still greater menaces of Russia and China-which now confront us in a nuclear-weapon era.
It is alarmingly possible that World War II marks the beginning of our Western civilization's breakdown, as it already marks the breakdown of the greatest empire ever built by man.
Note: the greatest empire means the British one.
The following tweets are conversation on Japan-U.S.-South Korea relationships between Ted Yokohama and Isibasi via Twitter.
Ted Yokohama
Declare the current constitution of Japan invalid and arm Japan with nuclear arsenals as anti-deployment of Osprey necessitates reinforcement of Japan's defense capability as a step to protect Japan and her people from growing threats by the Korean peninsula, China, etc.
Although you always sound like U.S. Marines protecting Japan, specify your basis for U.S. Marines to protect Japan. No such a case as for U.S. Marines to move in that direction because they are not regular forces but they just go out to anywhere for military interventions with conflicts in the world whenever ordered by President. The Congress has power to decide on whether to send troops.
Chinese threats have been around for some time. China has been known as a great thief for four thousand years. That's something we should take into consideration. Japan's view is only limited to protection of Senkaku Islands but U.S. looks at China as one to fight against. Maintenance of U.S. Marine Corps base in Okinawa suggests that U.S. recognizes Okinawa as being safe. U.S. Marines are not there most of the time.
Ted Yokohama
If US Marines are unreliable, the only option left for Japan is to depend on her own defense forces. No reason to depend on ROK, DPRK, PLA, etc. for her defense.
Russia is a better option because she is dutiful to its allies. Japan will benefit much more from Japan-Russia security pact. U.S. exploits Japan only for its interests as seen in the U.S. Congress always criticizing Japan. Japan-U.S. Security Pact has been meaningless since the establishment of Japan Defense Forces.
By the way, Japan-U.S. Security Pact is only an excuse for forcing Japan to disarm herself. Okinawa was a front-line base to defend the Korean peninsula at the time of the Korean war. Evidently U.S. had no forces to defend Japan as U.S. did nothing to the unilateral establishment of Syngman Rhee Line. Check it out with the books on Syngman Rhee.
US Marines serve only to protect South Korea created by U.S. Life of Syngman Rhee tells us that Japan has been forced into the position of being complicit in that scheme and has sacrificed herself for South Korea. The American-born Koreans are those responsible for instigating anti-Japan moves through education at schools in South Korea. They are still very much active because they are being tacitly endorsed by U.S.A.
A difference seen in the case of Vietnam between Japan and South Korea is that Japan had struggled through Citizen's League for Peace in Vietnam, thereby having Okinawa reverted to Japan. There is nothing we can gain without fighting for. Notice the whirlpools of Japanese bureaucrat's clandestine interests in South Korea. Contrary to bureaucrat's speculation, there is a question of whether we have any Japanese willing to fight for South Korea.
I believe that there are no Americans willing to fight for Japan. The U.S. Congress has always been standing by South Korea mainly because U.S. finds pride in the fact that U.S. has supported South Korea U.S. created and partly because U.S. has found it difficult to tolerate Japan's rise to the position of a major economic power. U.S. hysteria and hatred toward Japan is observed in Japan bashing being practiced by South Korea.
This is what my relative in U.S. for market research told me. Japan bashing being practiced by Koreans is much more server than in Japan and in South Korea. Some kind of synergy is working there, proving that anti-Japan education has been carried out within U.S.
In reality, who knows if operatives working in Japan and South Korea are really South Koreans. I kind of like South Korean president. Even South Korea seems to be paralyzed. I understand the U.S. military presence will not benefit both Japan and South Korea.
Ted Yokohama
Your tweets except a tweet on the option to choose Russia as Japan's ally are quite interesting. Much of what you said in the tweets sounds agreeable, however, I believe it most ideal that Japan should declare the current constitution invalid and at the same time should promote her own defense system. I will later on translate your tweets into English as precisely as possible.
The above translation is provisional and subject to change whenever Ted Yokohama decides to do so.
Uh-oh. This sounds so great for Japan and her people.
Japanese professional baseball players have unanimously voted against Japan's participation in WBC games slated to be opened next spring despite the well-known fact that Japan won the previous two editions of the WBC in 2006 and 2009.
Not many people are aware that WBC is a private company established by Major League Baseball (MLB) and the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA). After two major international baseball events (Olympic Baseball and the Baseball World Cup) have been discontinued since 2008 and 2011 respectively, WBC company seems to have focused on importance attached to WBC games as a lucrative business which has so far generated sizable amount of dollars almost exclusively for the company.
Believe it or not, 70% of profits WBC games generate reportedly comes from the Japanese sponsors, however, WBC company grabs 66.6% of the profits while only 13% is available to Nippon (Japan) Professional Baseball Organization, abbreviated NPB. Besides, every commercial right is exclusively owned by WBC company.
WBC reminds some Japanese of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between Japan and U.S.A. signed on July 29, 1858, in which extraterritoriality and rights to decide on import-export duties were granted to the United States. Japan had endured inquality deriving from the treaty signed at gunpoint more than four decades. Japan successfully remedied the treaty only four years after Japan won the First Japan-China War in March 1895.
A direct cause of the war between Japan and China was chiefly China's rejection of the British proposal of jointly assisting Korea secure independence and promote domestic policy reform, thereby realizing abolition of the master-slave relationship between China as a brutal colonialist and Korea as her vassal state.
As the existing relationship between Japan and the United States has remarkably improved in the last 150 years, nobody wants to see the United States inundating Japan with unequal terms anymore.
Read this related story
Below is a few of the reported crimes so far committed in July by U.S. forces personnel stationed in Japan
Kanagawa Prefetural Police Department reports:U.S. Navy Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) Jackie Lee Thompson was arrested on suspicion of property destruction. He allegedly punched hood of a taxi with his bare hand and dented it when a taxi driver aged 60 was parking his car on the street waiting for customers at around 10:30 PM in July 17. The driver overpowered the suspect and handed him over to the police officers who rushed to the scene.
米兵、タクシーへこませる 器物損壊容疑で逮捕 神奈川 - MSN産経ニュース http://sankei.jp.msn.com/affairs/news/120718/crm12071808560003-n1.htm
Nagasaki Prefectural Police Department reports: U.S. Navy Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) Joey Centeno aged 30 of USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6), a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship, was arrested for violating Japan's traffic law (Driving while intoxicated) at 10:10 PM in July 16.
According to the police, he was found sleeping at the wheel while stopping for traffic signals in Sasebo, Nagasaki.
飲酒運転容疑で米兵逮捕 寝ていて青信号で発進せず - MSN産経ニュース http://sankei.jp.msn.com/affairs/news/120717/crm12071710320004-n1.htm
Aomori Prefectural Police Department reports: U.S. Misawa Base Airman Markus Jeremy Ryan aged 21 was arrested for indecent exposure in public in July 12.
He allegedly exposed his lower body at the convenient store in Misawa, Aomori Prefecture at around 00:30.
According to the police, police officers rushed to the convenient store in response to 110 (119 in U.S.) call from the store manager and arrested the suspect. He entered the store all by himself and was not drunk at all. His motive is not known.
下半身露出、わいせつ容疑で米兵逮捕 青森県警 - MSN産経ニュース http://sankei.jp.msn.com/affairs/news/120712/crm12071217540029-n1.htm
Naha Police Department reports: U.S. Marine Private First Class (PFC) Ryan Palmer aged 20 of Camp Foster in Okinawa was arrested on suspicion of trespassing in July 1. In response to 110 (119 in U.S.) from a passerby saying "Somebody is shouting so loud in English.", the police officers rushed to the scene where a suspect was found sleeping atop the private house. He was drunk at the time of arrest. His motive is not known yet.
住居侵入容疑で米兵逮捕 沖縄・那覇 - MSN産経ニュース http://sankei.jp.msn.com/affairs/news/120701/crm12070111380003-n1.htm
日本は自主核を持って独立国になると述べたところ、国務省の高官は、「日本人が自主核を持って独立国になろうとするならば、われわれは経済制裁するぞ、軍事制裁するぞ、それでもいいのか?」と言いました。私はアメリカ人に恫喝されるのはもう慣れっこになっていますから、ニコニコ笑って、「どうぞ、どうぞ、ご勝手に。 もう一回東京大空襲でもやるのはいかがですか?」と答えました。そしてこう付け加えました。「世界中にアメリカの対日政策の本音がばれるから、かえって好都合です。」日下公人・伊藤貫「自主防衛を急げ!」
tweets as follows:
As I stated "Japan will achieve independence by acquiring nukes." in my talk with a high ranking officer of the U.S. State Department, he smilingly replied "Go ahead! Become independent but we will enforce economic and military sanctions against Japan! Would it be all right with you if we did so?" Then, I said "Go ahead! Please do so. Why not the Great Tokyo Air Raid again! That would be fine with us because the whole world would know all the motives U.S. has kept hiding." From a book jointly written and published by Mr. Kimindo Kusaka and Mr. Kan Ito
Definitions: from Wikipedia
Economic sanctions
Economic sanctions can vary from imposing import duties on goods from, or blocking the export of certain goods to the target country, to a full naval blockade of its ports in an effort to verify, and curb or block specified imported goods.
Well known examples of economic sanctions include the United Nations sanctions against South Africa, United Nations sanctions against Zimbabwe, United Nations sanctions against Iraq (1990–2003) and the United States embargo against Cuba (1962–present). Since 1993 many countries have imposed trade sanctions on Burma (Myanmar). South Africa is the typical case study used for giving sanctions credibility, though that is a contentious claim itself.
On May 13, 1998, the United States and Japan imposed economic sanctions on India, following its second round of nuclear tests. However, these have since been lifted.
In 2001/2002, the United States imposed economic sanctions against the state of Zimbabwe, through the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001 or ZDERA, S. 494, restricting access to financing, debt relief and rescheduling, forcing the government to operate on a cash only basis.
Military sanctions can range from carefully targeted military strikes to degrade a nation's conventional or non-conventional capabilities, to the less aggressive form of an arms embargo to cut off supplies of arms or dual-use items.
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