日本国島根県竹島 Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Many benefits we will enjoy from severing our diplomatic relation with south korea. Nothing hurts us. Only few politicians involved in the interests. Makes me feel so uspet and angry when I just think of how many Japanese women will be saved from Korean rapists only if diplomatic relation is severed.
渡邉哲也 代表戸締役@daitojimari民間銀行への口先指導だけでも大きな効果がありますね。自国で外貨を調達できない国それが韓国 ■今年6月 韓国 貿易代金の決済のため、韓国輸出入銀行は、日本の東京三菱UFJなどから、円建てで約200億円の融資を受けている。
Just advise our private banks not to deal with South Korea for greater impact on their economy. The Import and Export Bank of Korea borrowed JPY 20 billion from The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, etc. in June this year alone, so as to settle import payments since South Korea can not domestically procure foreign currency. This is what South Korea actually is.
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