日本国島根県竹島 Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
The article I've just finished reading describes why South Korean pres. Lee decided to land on Takeshima islets on August 10 and later made insulting remarks on His Majesty the Emperor of Japan.
The article focuses on five reasons; 1. Failure to achieve Japan and South Korea cultural exchange project, 2. Higher recognition of a theory of declining power of Japan and U.S. within South Korea, 3. Imminent arrest of president Lee for bribery charges, 4.Possible violation of a decision on so-called "Comfort Women" made by Constitutional Court of South Korea, and 5. Failure to improve economic conditions.
South Korean president Lee has been afraid of ending his presidential tenure with no achievements. To avoid either the imminent arrest or being called incompetent president after he steps down as president of South Korea, he dared to brake a promise to keep status quo of Takeshima issue with Japan and at the same time insulted Japan and her people by making vulgar remarks on His Majesty the Emperor of Japan.
The article concludes that Japan should be better united with Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Mongolia, India, etc. by giving up an idea of emphasizing friendship with Seoul, and that Lee will be remembered as the president who has achieved the worst diplomatic relations ever recorded with Japan in the history of bilateral relations.
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