On March 1, 2014, South Korea held anti-Japan rally in Seoul, during which some Koreans seem to have stepped on not only PM Abe’s photo but also a photo of “Anne Frank” for unknown reasons. Her photo found on internet seems so identical with the one Koreans have stepped on. For confirmation, please watch the attached video of the rally
Those who occupied the ruling class called "Yangban" during the Joseon period of Korea (1392-1910) were neither obliged to work nor to pay taxes.
They enjoyed not only "exploitation of the lower class" and "unproductive life" but also affairs with Kisaeng (also spelled gisaeng), sometimes called ginyeo (기녀), were officially sanctioned Korean female entertainers or sometimes prostitutes.
Women of the Kisaeng class performed various roles fully recognized by the government of Korea. They were trained to entertain those in the ruling class at the special facilities established by the government of Korea. Not only serving to function as entertainers or prostitutes to the ruling class, they also performed diplomatic and military roles whenever necessary.
Major roles performed by the women of the Kisaeng classs:
1. They entertained the ruling class.
2. They entertained the Chinese missions with sexual services.
3. They were often shipped out as gifts to China.
4. They were ordered to live in the remote areas to entertain the Korean soldiers defending the borders.
The government of Korea had been viewed as "a large scale brothel" by China during the Joseon period of Korea.
A training school for the Kisaeng classs in Pyongyang, Korea
Although North Korea often reports and claims that Japanese people committed mass killing at the time of Great Kanto Quake that occurred at 11:58:44 am JST (2:58:44 UTC=Coordinated Universal Time synonymous with GMT) on Saturday, September 1, 1923, the article published on October 21, 1923 reports otherwise on what happened after the major quake.
Law enforcement authority states as follows:
According to our survey on credibility of the newspaper ariticles frequently reporting that some of the Koreans committed the illegal acts at the time of Great Kanto Quake, we could acknowledge the fact that Koreans were generally good while some discontent Koreans committed numerous crimes.
They committed such crimes as looting, arson, rape, murder, and possession of illegal weapons.
讀賣新聞 大正12年10月21日
The newspaper article on Korean brutality at the time of Great Kanto Quake-dated October, 21, 1923
Deeply impressed with well-defined analysis of U.S. anti-Japan maneuvering in Asia before and after the Greater East Asia War (or the World War II or the Pacific War called in the Western Hemisphere; read The Greater East Asia War" VS. "The Pacific War" ) in the blog post I was recently exposed to, I have decided to devote my time and effort to writing a brief English summary of the post whose title is "Why the Republic of Korea has turned against Japan? 韓国が「反日」になったわけ ".
Syngman Rhee (born on March 26, 1875 and died on July 19, 1965) had forced the Korean population to deny anything Japanese by nurturing hatred toward Japan among the Korean population as soon as he became the first president of the Republic of Korea in 1948 ( Read When S. Korea Gained Independence? August 15, 1945 or August 13, 1948? ).
He was actively involved in fabricating a story that Korea before Japan-Korean annexation in 1910 was the most ideal state in the East whereas denouncing falsely Japan as the most barbaric nation and in spreading it throughout U.S. via such mass media as newspapers published by William Randolph Hearst, thereby trying to seek and secure assistance from U.S. (Read Koreans Return Evil for Good ).
His fabricated story of Japan as "evil" undoubtedly served as a basis for U.S. to determine its political intervention in the Far East. A majority of Koreans who actually lived happily during the 35 years of annexation had to accept his fictitious story, knowing it was untrue because anyone who publicly stated "The Great Imperial Japan was good or Rhee's government was bad" was arrested, jailed, tortured, and executed by Rhee.
He further strengthened his anti-Japan policy, so as to detruct people's attention from the serious crimes he committed soon after he sworn in as the first president. Just to list a few of his atrocities in South Korea, Rhee was responsible for Bodo League massacre of 1950 (South Korean civilian organizations believe there might have been up to 1,140,000 victims,representing 6% of the 1950 population of South Korea. ), Jeju Uprising of 1948 in which 14,000 to 60,000 individuals were killed in fighting or execution, and National Defense Corps Incident of 1950 in which some 50,000to 90,000 soldiers starved to death or died of disease on the march and in the training camps because the National Defense Corps Commander Kim Yungun (Kim Yun-keun) (Kim Yoon-keun), son-in-law of Defence minister Shin Sung-mo embezzled funds allocated to foods for the recruited soldiers.
Thus, the direction of Japan-South Korean relationship was basically determined when Rhee became the first president of the Republic of Korea, well assisted by the U.S. government. His anti-Japan policy has been uninterruptedly handed down, one after another, to the current president.
A Japanese fisherman abducted and tortured by South Korea in 1950s. No information on his whereabouts has been given to Japan by South Korea.
A Brief History - Takeshima Invasion by ROK: During the period of January 18, 1952 (date of unilateral establishment of Syngman Rhee Line) to June 22, 1965 (signing date of Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea), 328 Japanese fishing vessels were captured and 3,929 fishermen were abducted by South Korea. And,44 Japanese fishermen were brutally murdered by South Korea. Besides, South Korea used abducted fishermen as a bargaining chip for negotiating with Japan on the Treaty.
Too late now but if you meet at least the following condtions:
1. Deep apology to His Majesty the Emperor of Japan;
2. Return of Takeshima Island with compensation for the illegal occupation;
3. Accpeting Koreans (citizens of the Republic of Korea and of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea who illegally sneaked into Japan) to be repatriated by Japan;
4. Compensation for the damages incurred when the Republic of Korea invaded Takeshima;
5. Necessary punishment for those involved in repeated defamation of Japan and her people and apologies to Japan and her people;
6. Apologies to Japan and her people for having insulted the brave souls of the fallen soldiers enshrined at Yasukuni Shrine, ensuring that the Republic of Korea will never let anyone repeat insulting them;
7. Immediate reimbursement of Yen loans.
The above tweet has been selected as it well represents the general feelings Japanese people share towards the Republic of Korea.
The Republic of Korea must face history and must teach its people un-erasable history that Japan-Korea annexation in 1910 was properly executed with full recognition by the international community as it was done in accordance with international law.
Besides, no battles were fought between Japan and Korea in relation to the annexation except the fact that the 1st Prime Minister of Japan Ito was assassinated by a Korean terrorist named An Jung-geun, thereby realizing Japan-Korea annexation. Japan-Korea annexation of 1910 wouldn't have happened unless Prime Minister Ito regarded as a major obstacle to the annexation was assassinated.
The assassinated Prime Minister Ito, one of those well acquainted with the history of Korea and its culture had always opposed the annexation and also had insisted that Korea would no doubt be well controlled by Koreans themselves in view of its past when they once exhibited their talent.
Hirobumi Ito, four time Prime Minister of Japan (the 1st, 5th, 7th and 10th)
An Jung-geun, Korean terrorist who assassinated Prime Minister Hirobumi Ito in 1909.
Korea had been so miserable and uncivilized before Japan saved it from brutal China
Below is the disturbance caused by the South Korean citizens pretending to be Japanese rightists while Japanese nationals were staging authorized peaceful demonstration against Fuji TV on August 21. Fuji TV is a Japan's private television network said to be functioning as a South Korean propaganda organ and is biased against Japan and her people.
The sole purpose of the pseudo Korean rightists is to undermine the image of Japan and her people.
The pseudo Korean rightists shout through loud speakers:
North Koreans! Get out of Japan! Defeat crushingly the Democratic Party of Japan! Smash up PM Kan!
While Japanese demonstrators shout at the pseudo Korean rightists:
Don't come here! Go away!
Below is the post published on August 25.
Believe it or not!: Who's supporting the Democratic Party of Japan?
It is often observed that those exposed to the cultures of the nations who fought against Japan during the Greater East Asia War tend to habitually regard “the people driving around in the black-colored vehicles with loudspeakers and with Japan’s national flag hoisted high” as the Japanese rightists.
To describe better some realities in Japan by pointing out one crucial flaw quite possibly resulting from biased views commonly found in them, the following paragraph is taken from “ Japanese Right-Wing Lunatics ” written by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers :
Some who visit Japan say that leftist and rightist groups are everywhere. So what's new? The big difference? The leftist clowns drive around in big white buses and vans with loud speakers blaring out some sort of nonsense about this or that. The rightist clowns drive around in big blue buses and vans with loudspeakers blaring out nonsense about that or this. The funny part is that both groups hire the same people to drive their vehicles. You will often see a huge bus screaming down the street blaring out some message that the emperor should be restored to head of state or that Japan should re-militarize the Rhineland, er, I mean, re-militarize the four small islands north of Hokkaido that the Soviets "stole" at the end of World War II. I chuckle every time I see these buses because even though the bus could ride 60 people, there is usually only one inside; the driver.
As pointed out in the paragraph, there is no big difference between “leftists” and “rightists”. However, one must recognize one important flaw in his paragraph above; that is, “leftists” are not just the clowns driving around in white buses and vans screaming nonsense but they are those who organized “Democratic Party of Japan” whose members are mostly ex-members of “Japan Socialist Party” (reduced to a minority party), now renamed as “Socialist Democratic Party”. Democratic Party of Japan has been the ruling party headed by Prime Minister Kan and former Prime Minister Hatoyama since September, 2009. The ruling party has been closely connected to the Korean peninsula in a number of ways. And, “Rightists” are mostly Korean citizens living in Japan.
Therefore, there is no big difference between them in a sense that both harbor an ulterior motive of politically influencing Japan and her people, so as to restrain them not to seek any hostile moves toward the Korean peninsula while generating cash for promoting their propaganda against Japan and for developing missiles and nukes on the Korean peninsula.
In the video, you will find Japanese Rising Sun flag and South Korean flag being hoisted on the vehicle with banners saying “Promoting and Strengthening Friendship between Japan and South Korea” and “President Chun Doo-hwan! Welcome to Japan!”
“Pseudo Rightist groups” have been organized and have existed here in Japan for the purpose of undermining an image of Japan and her people. They have been quite effective in having planted distorted image of true Japanese rightists in the minds of not only Japanese but also of foreigners.
The video describes a case (reported by a weekly magazine “Shukan Shincho” on July 20 , 2006) in which a Sumo wrestler named Asa Shouryu (Mongolian Grand Champion) was asked by a South Korean if he had ever experienced discriminations in Japan and if they had been severe.
Asa Shouryu said: No, nothing at all.
South Korean said: Don’t hide it. Just say it.
Asa Shouryu said: No, nothing particular at all.
South Korean said: By nothing particular, you mean you have experienced some?
Asa Shouryu said: I told you "Nothing at all". You! Kimchi f-cker! (Kimuchi is a Korean pickle)
“You! Kimchi f-cker!” angered “rightists” in Japan. “Rightists groups” began their protests against him. They tried to pressurize Japan Sumo Association, the Ministry of Education and Science (in charge of sumo wrestling), his Sumo stable, Prime Minister’s Official Residence, Japan-South Korea Parliamentarian group, etc. into punishing Asa Shoryu.
Updated on August 6, 2014 at 8:15 the time when A-Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Pray for those non-combatants incl. babies who evaporated in Hiroshima massacre!
August 6 is not only one of the most important memorial days for the postwar Japan and her people but also it symbolizes despicable brutality of the white Americans still desperately groping for an answer to their guilt while USA exerts in vain every possible effort to water down the worst human rights violation in the history of mankind by all means to educate the whole world in cahoots with China and often with its puppet state called South Korea (created by USA on August 13, 1948 after seizure of the southern half of the Korean peninsula from Japan on September 8, 1945, who in fact liberated the entire Korea from brutal Chinese ruler when Japan defeated China in 1895 and defeated an agreesor Russia in 1905).
Whenever leftists in Japan refer to atomic bombings both Hiroshima and Nagasaki witnessed on August 6 and August 9, 1945 respectively, they outrageously leave out "who did it" but just say repeatedly "never be pardoned again". It really sounds like those responsible for Hiroshima and Nagasaki massacres have been forgiven by Japan and her people long ago. It strongly suggests that although they are regarded as leftists in Japan, they seem to have been either closely related to or influenced by USA trying to whitewash the carefully premeditated human experimentations carried out to prove the effectiveness of the white ruled USA (chiefly Jews who denounce "Holocaust" relentlessly executed by the Nazis.) -developed nuclear weapons and at the same time to demonstrate their superiority over the Japanese race who once hindered them from fully dominating Asia.
The East Asia has witnessed changes since the Greater East Asia War (also called the World War II or the Pacific War in USA) formally ended on September 2, 1945. Japan was placed under the military administration of the Allied Forces for about 6 years and 8 months from September 2, 1945 to April 28, 1952.
MacArthur, so-called Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP) committed a crime of establishing the constitution and the fundamental law of education, violating the Hague Land War Convention that prohibits the occupation forces from enacting any laws being permanent in nature in the occupied areas while allowing them to exercise very strong authority to control the occupied areas by giving such orders as agricultural land reform order, Zaibatsu dissolution order, etc. being temporary in nature to those in the occupied areas. More importantly, US-led Tokyo Trials (formally called The International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) was concurrently held from April 29, 1946 to November 12, 1948, thereby threatening the leaders of Japan, Japanese politicians, and the ordinary citizens at gunpoint. In other words, the post war Japan started with life threatening terror orchestrated by the white-ruled USA who arrested and purged anyone found to be disobeying or running counter to the basic design of the post war Japan crafted by the white-ruled USA.
Just before the Tribunal was adjourned on November 12, 1948, the white ruled USA created its puppet state called "the Republic of Korea on August 13, 1948, whose basic national policy is to pursue anti-Japan, so as to ensure that the white-ruled USA would control Japan and South Korea in an old fashioned way of "divide and rule". Thus, the post war regime was fully set up for US to control Japan and South Korea.
The following statement shows a true nature of General Douglas MacArthur:
The Allied power will never recognize Japan as being equal in every respect. As Japan is our enemy who lost the war, she has no rights to occupy any position in the civilized world. We will not negotiate with Japan.
The above statement was issued in reply to the article published on September 15, 1945 by The Asahi Shinbun.
As long as the United States of America champions “Power is justice.”, she will not refuse to accept her own violations of international laws and war crimes as evidenced in the use of the Atomic bombs, massacres of the innocent civilians, indiscriminate attacks on hospital ships, and the use of poisonous gases.
We will make the Americans observe terrible spectacles of the bombed areas as much as possible and will make them realize that they should nurture their own sense of responsibilities for compensation and reconstruction by means of sincerely revealing the fact that Japan alone will never envision reconstruction and also by placing an emphasis on our determination that we will make them recognize Japan’s democratic recovery and her participation in international trade as being nothing disagreeable to the US interests and also to the international wellbeing, thereby making them actively cooperate with Japan in reconstruction. by Mr. Ichiro Hatoyama -end of the translation.
Since September 18, 1945, the Japanese media ceased to report anything which General MacArthur might consider damaging to the interests of the allied power, followed by an order for the Japanese media to observe the code of practice issued on September 19, 1945, by which MacArthur scrutinized every article before publication.
MacArthur had already ordered The Associated Press (AP) not to report anything the Allied power might find damaging to its interests on September 1, 1945, one day before the official ceremony of Japan's surrender aboard the USS Missouri.
Therefore, September 18, 1945 is another substantially significant date that US actually began its brainwashing activities in Japan under "War Guilt Information Program=WGIP" executed by MacArthur, trying to make the entire Japanese population believe that only Japan is bad and wrong in every respect while US and its allies are good and right in every respect.
One of the foreign journalists who were arrested and deported by MacArthur was Mark J. Gayn well known in Japan for his book titled "Japan Diary" first published in 1948. He was critical of US bombings and Tokyo Trials condemned as "travesty of justice". He wrote, ''As a newspaperman, I feel incensed every time I hear of violence done to the free press. But as a citizen of a democratic state I also see each such instance as a denial of my right to know, and therefore of my ability to understand the world in which we live.''
Finally, two of the recent US efforts, inter alia, to palliate the infamous human rights violation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki massacres are a story of comfort women and a story of Nanking massacre known as those fabricated in cahoots with leftists in Japan, therefore, allowing USA to enjoy its arrant pride in the achievement done by B29 Enola Gay that dropped A-bomb on Hiroshima and that has been shamelessly displayed at the U.S Air and Space Museum.
"Comfort Women" movement in South Korea was sponsored by the Japan Socialist Party, which I confirmed through my direct interview with South Korean comfort women. I personally witnessed one of aides to Ms. Takako Doi, then chairperson of the Japan Socialist Party handing over cash to them----. Quite natural that everything has been politically twisted around.
The above photo shows part of the area used as the US storage depot in Kokura during the Korean war.
US brutal act during occupation of Japan No. 4 has been written to portray US as a criminal state that committed serious crimes against humanity twice in one single incident involving the black GIs stationed in Japan during 7 year occupation of Japan, so reminding US government that US past is not so glorious as US has long preached to its people, particularly to its kids at schools.
At midnight on the 11th of July, 1950, 200 to 250 black GIs armed to the teeth deserted US storage depot (which was the stronghold defended by the 14th Infantry Regiment of the Great Imperial Japanese Army during the Greater East Asia War, often called either the WWII or the Pacific War in the West) situated approximately 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) from Japan National Railway Kokura station. Those black soldiers were transferred here from Gifu Prefecture a day before with an order to be soon deployed on the frontlines of the Korean peninsula where the North Korean forces crossed 38 degree parallel into South Korea almost a month earlier. They were so terrified at the imminent deployment on the frontlines of the Korean peninsula and at the same time deeply felt that they had to evade their unfair deployment due to the racial discrimination not only in the US society but also in the military services in those days.
They knew that they would face capital punishment possibly to be handed down at the military tribunal if caught. They were desperately escaping from the fear of death they would face both on the front lines and at the military tribunal. They formed about 50 heavily armed groups of bandits, each of whom consisted of 4 to 5 men went dispersed in different directions into Kokura city.
They had rampantly looted the Japanese houses, had violently injured the innocent and defenseless Japanese civilians and had brutally raped the innocent Japanese women including housewives just nearby their children and husbands witnessing their brutal acts for 4 days until they were suppressed by US forces after fierce exchange of fire between them.
Only 70 crime cases were reported to and confirmed by the Japanese police because many of the victims were reluctant to complaint about their shameful experiences and because the supreme commander General MacArthur ordered Japan not to report on the brutal incident.
Immediately after they were suppressed and arrested, they were sent to the Korean peninsula where most of them died for the United States of America.
Seichō Matsumoto (松本 清張, Matsumoto Seichō, December 21, 1909 – August 4, 1992) was a Japanese writer who published 黒地の絵 "Kuroji no e" in 1958, written based on the incident as he was a citizen born in Kokura city where the incident occurred. In his book, he focused on a husband whose wife was brutally raped right near him and who soon became insane while Matsumoto never forgot to defend the black soldiers as victims of the racial discrimination in the US military services.
A photo below shows the cenotaph of the 14th Infantry Regiment of the Great Imperial Japanese Army in the area used as the US storage depot during the Korean war.
As far as I have observed international criticism and disapproval of Japan's position on "comfort women" issue, it is a step to further justify victors' justice and to implicitly strengthen their political position over Japan while intentionally failing to understand a true motive hidden behind the issuance of Kono remark on "comfort women".
The Government of Japan should assume responsibilies for having given a wrong impression to the international community that Japan admitted forced recruitment of so-called comfort women. Those Japanese politicians and bureaucrats not fully aware of realities in international politics inadvertently recommended Kono to issue it (Kono remark prepared by those bureaucrats) without giving due consideration to the ensuing consequences, so as to pacify the govt of south korea always acting like a peevish kid who in fact jumped on a story of "comfort women" as the bandwagon soon after it was fabricated by Japanese leftists.
Japanese politicians and bureaucrats in those days somehow thought that "comfort women" issue could be taken as another way for the govt of south korea to ask Japan (as a father) for monetary assistance and/or as something rather close to a domestic affair between Japan and south korea. It strongly suggests that they were under the impression that south korea had been closely related to Japan since Japan-Korea annexation in 1910.
More precisely, they were tricked by the govt of south korea to believe that the govt of south korea would no longer harass Japan over the issue once Japan somehow pretended to admit Japan's fault (Note: Neither the Government of Great Imperial Japan nor the Great Imperial Japanese Army was involved in coercing comfort women into the plight the govt of south korea has been hassling about since no evidence to substantiate its claim has been presented.), in hopes that Japan-south korea relations would improve.
General Toshio Tamogami (田母神 俊雄, Tamogami Toshio, born July 22, 1948)is a retired Japanese Air Self-Defense Force career military officer. He served as the Chief of Staff of Japan's Air Self-Defense Force from March 2007 to November 2008.
Those who either criticize or disaprove of Osaka Mayor's statements on "comfort women" are often found to be ignorant about history since they have not fully studied it. And, they are not aware that they have acted against Japan, thereby harming her national interests much greater than Mayor Hashimoto has done. Besides, they are inadvertently supporting south korea while downgrading Japan.
The government of south korea has never reflected on its deeds such as raping the innocent Vietnamese village girls during the Vietnam war. They are just keeping a lid on such an issue as Lai Dai Han (lai Đại Hàn in Vietnamese : pronounced [laːi ɗâˀi hâːn] Korean: 라이따이한, meaning a mixed ancestry person born to a south korea rapist and a Vietnamese victim) considered as the victims of rapes by Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War lest they get accused of (by the international community). And, the US forces had the pleasure of being allied with south korean forces as genocide criminals and rapists. After the Greater East Asia War (called either the Pacific War or the World War II in the West), "establishment of comfort stations" was the first order given to the defeated Japan by the US forces dispatched to Japan.
During the Vietnam war, south korean forces had no comfort stations established for their soldiers. However, they raped a few hundred of thousand innocent Vietnamese girls, some of whom were brutally murdered by them. As a result, tens of thousands of mixed ancestry persons (whose exact number has not been confirmed yet but whose number is currently estimated to be roughly 30,000 at most) born to south korean rapists and Vietnamese victims. After the war, they have been just deserted by them. This fact is so palpable that the government of south korea can't deny it.
Binh Hoa Massacre Monument called "Deep Hatred over Massacre committed by South Korean Forces"
Deep Hatred Monument Over Massacre Committed by South Korean Forces whose inscription says as follows;
Sins have reached to the heavens.
And, they shall be remembered for thousands of years.
430 villagers victimized in this massacre.
The victims included pregnat women, the elderly aged between 50 and 80, and children.
2 people killed in this massacre were thrown into fire when they were still alive..
The Bình Hòa Massacre was a massacre conducted by the South Korean forces between December 3 and December 6, 1966, of 430 unarmed citizens in Binh Hoa village, Quang Ngai province in South Vietnan. The district was in the operational area of the Blue Dragon Brigade. Most of the victims were children, elderly and women.The victims included 21 pregnant women.The South Korean soldiers burnt down all of the houses and killed hundreds of cows and buffalo after the atrocities.Then the survivors joined the Viet Cong and fought against the United States and its Allies, one of which was South Korea. The South Korean forces conducted similar massacres in Binh Tai village, Binh An village and Tay Vinh village within the same year.
Korean Soldiers in Vietnam Posing for A Snapshot ベトナム戦争に参加した韓国兵士
This photo tells us much more than a historical fact that South Korea fought in Vietnam, catering for the needs of the United States of America. That is how brutal Koreans were during the Vietnam War. They look like "Predators" seen in the American movie. You can count how many ROK soldiers are in the photo. They are all smiling. They are smiling after the victory, in which they brutally killed Vietnamese and cut their ears off and then strung them onto the wire for completing a sort of “Hawaiian Flower (Ears) Lei”. South Korea has never apologized to Vietnam for their brutality including raping thousands of women. They left thousands of orphans behind.
When the US forces occupied Japan and demanded Japan to establish "comfort stations" after the Greater East Asia War (called either the Pacific War or the World War II), Geisha girls courageously stood up for the innocent Japanese girls, trying to prevent them from being raped by the US soldiers. It is a known fact that Geisha girls in those days had a great spirit of defending the Japanese nationals from evils.
Today, I happened to talk to a Japanese woman aged 97 who has lived in a home for the aged for 8 years or so. She still reads newspapers and watches TV news programs every day. Her interest ranges from home economics to international political issues. She is well versed in every subject the average Japanese adults find interested in.
She all of a sudden started to talk about "comfort women" now drawing public interest in Japan, obviously knowing that Osaka Mayor Hashimoto's repeated statements on "comfort women" have stirred up criticism and disapproval from overseas.
She recalls that in 1940s no one had ever questioned about parents selling their daughters for the sake of alleviating poverty since there existed no such a system publicly established as to extend help to the poor families both in Japan and in Korea.
Daughters sold to brothels or others were well aware that their families would not survive if they refused to be sold. It was not a matter of willingly or unwillingly at all but it was a matter of helping their families to survive.
None denies that some women were tricked into prostitution by swindlers or even by their neighbors. None denies that some women were abducted and sold to brothels. However, neither the Government of Japan nor Imperial Japanese Army was involved in forcing them into prostitution, contrary to what some Japanese leftists claim in collaboration with the government of south korea.
"Comfort women" had felt better off and had found it joyful and fulfilling to serve as professional prostitutes, thinking that they were supporting their families. However, nothing changed the fact that they were virtually sold as prostitutes in a sense that swindlers found loopholes in the laws being enforced since 1872. One of the typical loopholes often used among swindlers was to conclude a loan agreement allowing the poor parents to receive advance payment as a means of evading compliance with the laws that formally prohibited human trafficking. They viewed this practice not as slavery or any sort in a western sense but as a way to pay back debts to them as loan sharks. There were cases in which those involved in this sort of business had been found guilty of violating the laws.
The most important thing we must keep in our mind when dealing with an issue of "comfort women" is that we must examine the issue in terms of the historical context, in which the prevailing concepts of human rights and human rights violations were practically non-existent in the world, or at least not as much as we emphasize them now, particularly as seen in the United States of America that still struggles with a number of the worst examples of human rights violations.
The above photo shows the travelling Korean comfort women joyfully crossing a river. The term "Comfort Women" is a translation of the Japanese word 慰安婦 pronounced ianfu, a euphemism for the word prostitute.
The Dong-a Ilbo reports on rampant abduction of more than 100 Chinese girls by Korean swindlers (those agents engaged in recruiting personnel) from villages in Mukden, Manchukuo on August 31, 1939. Police investigators have been immediately dispatched to Mukden from Busan, Korea.
Many articles of this sort have been found in Japan, informing the public that police was determined to eradicate abduction of girls both in Korea and in China.
1.The Dong-A Ilbo (literally East Asia Daily) is the leading newspaper in Korea, established in 1920, 10 years after Japan-Korean annexation. 2. The Great Empire of Manchuria was established in 1932 and continued to exist until 1945.
A South Korean journalist aged 28 says that we dropped nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and that our nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were our reprisal for the Asian people victimized by Japan's imperialism.
As the above statement suggests, not every South Korean but at least some of them have been brainwashed to believe that they were sided with US and its allies during the Greater East Asia War (called either the Pacific War or the World War II in the West), contrary to the historical fact that Korea was part of Japan as both Japan and Korea were tightly united under the common destiny alliance called Japan-Korea annexation fully recognized by the international community.
This is a remarkable achievement US has done in its brainwashing activities since the foundation of the Republic of Korea on August 13, 1948.
A reality in Japan: South Korean man has been arrested on suspicion of faking his income and at the same time having received welfare money from the Government of Japan.
許愛栄(허 아사카), nightclub owner, aged 54, South Korean citizen now residing in Toyama, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan confesses to Japanese police that he wanted to have lots of money. His annual income is estimated to be at least JPY 100 million (almost equivalent to USD 1 million at the current rate). It is reported that he not only has received welfare money but also has resided in a house for the poor.
There are many reported cases of welfare fraud committed by Korean citizens residing in Japan since municipal government offices tend to grant Korean citizens welfare support without thoroughly investigating their economic situation.
The Government of Japan has approved of two bills on May 17, 2013, strengthening countermeasures against welfare fraud and supporting the poor families by extending help for them to get back on their own feet again.
Mr. Nariaki Nakayama, graduated from Faculty of Law, Tokyo University.
Currently serving as a member of the Lower House, the Diet (Japan's national legislature).
Ex-government official of the Ministry of Finance.
Ex-Minister for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
I regret that recently I've kept tweeting on South Korea. But Ms. Park! I have seen your recent meeting with President Obama as a slander about Japan. What wicked character are you? Is it only me who saw it that way? Japan's involvement in the issue of nuclear aresenal development by North Korea will produce nothing since North Korea will never give up nukes, anyway. We should look at this situation as the best chance for Japan to deal with our own defense issues, thereby helping us improve our diplomacy.
At the Budget Committee of the Upper House, the Diet (Japan's national legislature) held on April 25, the Democratic Party of Japan, better known as so-called "Anti-Japan Political Party" or "A group of leftist operatives" or "A group of traitors" among many Japanese cybercitizens has failed a surprise attack on Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Abe Shinzo and Mr. Furuya Keiji, State Minister in charge of North Korea's abductions of Japanese nationals over the Abe Cabinet members' visit to Yasukuni Shrine where 2.4 million brave souls of the fallen soldiers are enshrined at for remembering and honoring their dedicated services to Japan and her people.
Ms. Tokunaga Eri, representing the Democratic Party of Japan clearly stated in her question that families of abductees (those abducted by North Korea) have lost all hope (of rescuing the victims) due to the Abe Cabinet members' visit to Yasukuni Shrine, subsequently raising a question of whether the Abe Cabinet will further address the abduction issue or not.
Her story came as a bolt from the blue. Mr. Furuya Keiji then immediately returned a question to her "Can you tell us which one of the families of abduction victims has actually criticized our visit to Yasukuni Shrine? I just can't overlook your accusation. So, give us their names if it is true?."
Without clarifying the accusation she just made against Mr. Furuya Keiji, she suddenly started firing words of accusation at PM Abe Shinzo as she seemed having been cornered, facing a question of who has criticized the visit to Yasukuni Shrine. Although she seemed to have lost her confidence in winning her battle, she asked PM Abe what he thinks of their visit to Yasukuni Shrine she believes undeniable in having negatively impacted South Korea and China.
Before replying her question, PM Abe asked her to answer the question raised by Mr. Furuya Keiji as he believes it extremely essential in view of the importance attached to the functions of the Budget Committee. PM Abe further stated that not only she as a questioner will lose her credibility but also she will damage credibility of her party if she can't produce evidence to substantiate her claim.
PM Abe emphatically reminded her that in the area of diplomacy, there exist a number of attempts to repudiate truths, for example, Chinese denial of a truth that Senkaku has long been historically and internationally recognized as being an integral part of Japan.
As for the visits to Yasukuni Shrine, PM Abe introduced her to the historical account that no South Korean president had ever criticized Japan until Roh Moo-hyun became the ninth president of South Korea (2003–2008). PM Abe believes it important to look into why South Korea has all of a sudden posed in such a manner as to show its current stance toward our visit to Yasukuni Shrine.
He further emphasized that even China had never protested Japan against ex-Prime Ministers' visit to Yasukuni Shrine when and after 14 Japanese, so-called war criminals (Note: no war criminals legally acknowledged in Japan. They were either executed=murdered by US or died in jail.) were enshrined together with other brave souls in 1978. He said it was just recently that Chinese criticism came out of the blue.
He continued to say that similarly China had never protested Japan against her sovereignty over Senkaku Islands during the period from 1895 to 1971. PM Abe believes it necessary to fully recognize these facts, so that we will properly deal with China and at the same time he believes it natural to express a sense of reverence for those who devoted their lives to our country. He believes that his cabinet members will not accept any threats whatsoever.
Concluding her question over Yasukuni Shrine, Ms. Tokunaga Eri asked PM Abe how he will deal with unpleasant feelings expressed by China and South Korea.
PM Abe said that Yasukuni Shrine is here in Japan and just nearby here, and that he strongly questions those who accept their criticism of our visit to Yasukuni Shrine for praying for the brave souls without feeling unjustified pain and that he believes it wrong for them to condemn our visits. PM Abe continued to say he believes it is his duty to defend our national interests and to preserve pride of our history and tradition. He finally said he would like to make it clear that we will not compromise our pride just for the sake of harmonizing.
Ms. Tokunaga said feebly she has some sentiments about this matter; therefore, she will discuss them with PM Abe whenever possible in the future. She sounded like she was learning an important lesson by this failed attack.
Member of the House of Representatives, The Diet (Japan's national legislature)
LDP Policy Chief commented on Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo on April 24 as follows;
I believe that Japan-China relation is extremely important, however, it is none of their business how we Japanese honor and remember our soldiers who lost their lives during their services to our country. We decide on how we appreciate their services, therefore, I question why our visit to Yasukuni Shrine develops into a diplomatic issue.
(The above translation of her comment is provisional)
Tweets as follows; Calmly putting my hands together, I paid the fullest respect and the highest tribute to the souls of the war dead enshrined at Yasukuni Shrine with other 212 members of the Diet (Japan's National Legislature). Compared with the last years, the number of politicians who visit Yasukuni Shrine has considerably increased. I regard this increase as a clear indication of the public will, well evidenced in the general election held in the last December. Obviously, we must stay vigilant of the Chinese movements including the Chinese government ships.
The following two Professors discuss "Who's stirring up anti-Japan sentiments in Japan" in the video below.
Dr. Shoichi Watanabe, Professor Emeritus, Sophia University ( http://bit.ly/eJPYQn )
Dr. Hiroaki Kobayashi, Professor Emeritus, Nippon University ( http://bit.ly/f7iIXI )
Dr. Shoichi Watanabe said: I have spent a few decades, wondering why we have such politicians as acting against the interests of Japan and why we have such editors as preferring to publish the articles damaging to Japan. I finally concluded that we had those leftists bearing a grudge against Japan who were inevitably purged in the prewar era because they were financially supported and directed by Коминтерн=Comintern short for Communist International. They lived in darkness, hating the era they lived through.
Dr. Hiroaki Kobayashi said: Yes, I think the treatment they received was inevitable.
Dr. Shoichi Watanabe said: During the occupation era, they and their supporters had rapidly risen to dominance in the press and the field of academics,well assisted by General Headquarters of U.S. Occupation Troops. As a matter of fact, the well-disciplinedJapanese leftistslike Mr. Manabu Sano ( 佐野学http://bit.ly/enTGgU ) and Mr. Kiyoharu Tanaka (田中清玄http://bit.ly/f0OYeS ) all left the communist movement as soon as they received an order from Comintern to start an attempt to abolish Japan's Imperial System. However, those who fanatically believed that everything about Japan was bad, remained to be leftists. They were very weird. And, they were mostly ethnic Koreans. They had no reason to give up the idea of abolishing Japan's Imperial System.
I am not saying those people are still working at Asahi Shinbun but journalists much influenced by those Korean leftists have been writing and publishing the articles very critical of Japan, thereby stirring up anti-Japan sentiments in Japan and having Japan say anything against her interests. That is my conclusion.
Dr. Hiroaki Kobayashi said: Oh, that is something I have never noticed because I wasn't looking at those things that way. I feel that those people who are in fact believers in totalitarianism perhaps tend to have such a thought. The fact that they were financially supported and directed by Starlin clearly indicates what I feel is right. Because of their influence, we observed emergence of the radical leftist students in the 1960s and 1970s.
Dr. Shoichi Watanabe said: Hitler and Mussolini were not only believers in totalitarianism but also patriots. Regardless of what Starlin said, he was in fact a patriot. However, it is very strange that those who believe in totalitarianism seem to dislike Japan.
Dr. Hiroaki Kobayashi said: Well, I think so. They are anti-Japan journalists and politicians. But I didn't notice what you have just said.
Dr. Shoichi Watanabe said: It is not a matter of whether they are ethnically Koreans or not butthey still harbor the Korean leftist ideology that condemns Japan as being bad.
Dr. Hiroaki Kobayashi said: Well, that is something I haven't noticed.
Dr. Shoichi Watanabe said: I say that because they are the Japanese nationals, I will have to be patient with them only if they are just totalitarians. In fact, they are not just totalitarians but they hate everything about Japan.
Dr. Hiroaki Kobayashi said: A week ago, I received a mission of 100 Korean members. They are ex-politicians, retired military men, press people, etc. I was requested to discuss East Asian security and Japan-China relations. I emphasized that Japan and Korea have shared common values such as democracy and freedom and that Korea should not be value-neutral when considering Japan and China, as practiced by Korea either placing equidistantly Japan and China or being sided with China while criticising Japan. I feel that their reasoning gets to be obscured by emotions.
Dr. Shoichi Watanabe said: South Korea has not reached the level of civilization that makes them understand what treaty is because they keep bringing up the same old storieseven if we have a good and effective treaty called Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea.
Dr. Hiroaki Kobayashi said: That is a good and effective treaty. I really feel that I find it extremely difficult to discuss something with them because they asked me a question of whether Japan advanced into or invaded the Korean peninsula and China even after all I had to say to them. I told them to remember what I have already said to you. Since I am specialized in international laws, I am a kind of reluctant to use the terms "Advance" or "Invade" at all. I told them not to expect any words like advance or invade from me. I may discuss it from the perspective of "colonization" and "Imperialism". I told them that I have nothing to do with what our politicians have said.
1. I try to be accurate when translating all the discourses I came across in preparing for this presentation. 2. I try to be concise enough to point out the aspects when translating all the discourses I came across in preparing for this presentation. 3. Whatever discourses I translate will remain tentative until I get satisfied with their accuracy.4. I reserve the right to decide which discourses I choose for this presentation.
5. The Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea (Japanese: 日韓基本条約 (Nikkan Kihon Jōyaku?); Korean: 한일기본조약, 韓日基本條約, Hanil Gibon Joyak) was signed on June 22, 1965 to establish basic relation between Japan and the Republic of Korea (South Korea). For details, access http://bit.ly/g9xhE8
We have learned a lot of history (see Note 1. below) from south korea, haven't we? Just remember how often korea invaded Japan even before The Mongol invasions of Japan (元寇, Genkō?) of 1274 and 1281 (see Note 2. below). Japan should demand south korea to apologize to Japan for having invaded Japan in 813, 871, 880, 894, 906, 943, 998, 999, 1014, 1019, and 1097.
Note 1: A south korean Assistant Professor Ms. Kim appeared on Japanese TV just a few days ago (March 4, 2013) and stated that south korea will never forget a history of Japanese invasion into korea even for 1,000 years. Japanese commentators strongly dismissed her statement as being false and further demanded her to remember the korean brutal invasions into Japan in the last 1,000 years. They are two invasions generally called "The Mongol invasions of Japan.
Note 2.:The Mongol invasions of Japan (元寇, Genkō?) of 1274 and 1281 was in fact brutally and mercilessly executed by koreans as korea was a vassal state of The Mongolian empire.
Japan has never educated her people in such a manner as to defame South Koreans (Note: in fact not only South Koreans but also any nationalities) in the history of Japan. Rather, Japan's education is extremely biased toward always denouncing any acts even in defending Japan by simply denying anything related to "war". However, South Korea across the Sea of Japan has been steadfastly and eagerly promoting anti-Japan education (Note: usually based on fabricated stories and twisted historical facts) among its young generations.
South Korean private sector has been boycotting Japanese products in protest against Japan celebrating "Takeshima Day". South Korea means nothing to Japan in terms of her economy. Japan's import from South Korea is only 0.68% of Japan's GDP while her export to South Korea is 1.12% of Japan's GDP. South Korea will collapse if South Korea stops importing machine tools and industrial materials from Japan.
The government of south korea warns that south korea will take retailatory measures against Japan if Ms. Aiko Shimajiri, Parliamentary Secretary of Cabinet Office (access her blog at 台所から政治を変える ) attends "Takeshima Day" ceremony to be held in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, Japan.
The Chief Cabinet Secretary Mr. Suga indicated Japan's position that Japan would not make any concessions to south korea despite south korean threat to retaliate against Japan. He further stated that as Takeshima is intrinsically part of Japan, nothing and nobody will stop Parliamentary Secretary of Cabinet Office from attending Takeshima Day ceremony on February 22.
Mr. Ichita Yamamoto, Minister in charge of Territorial issues emphasized at the press "The Government of Japan is fully responsible for making it known to the world that Takeshima is 100% Japan's territory by sending its representative to the Takeshima Day ceremony.
tweets as follows: Once a south korean citizen living in Japan was trying to pick a fight with me. I told him "If you really hate Japan that much, why don't you go back to your own mother country?" Then, he told me "Who wants to? You've got to be kidding! You, stupid! As long as I stay in Japan, I can evade the mandatory military draft and can receive welfare money from the local government here. You, Japs! Just keep your mouth shut!"
Then, I said to myself, "This is what koreans really are.
Mr. Kenhi Aoyama stated on TV tonight "North Korea would really use nukes if and when cornered. It is not just a threat. They have developed miniaturized nuclear warheads and intercontinental ballistic missiles for their actual use."
Mr. Kenhi Aoyama (pseudonym of the ex-North Korean operative born in Osaka, Japan in 1939 whose true name has not been disclosed yet. Many Korean nationals living in Japan disguised as Japanese with pseudonyms, often with criminal intent.) left Japan for North Korea in 1960 under North Korean repatriation scheme initially requested by Kim Il-Sung, agreed on August 13, 1959 and executed between Japan Red Cross and North Korea Red Cross from December 14, 1959 (the first repatriation ship left Niigata, Japan for North Korea) to 1984 since no diplomatic relations between Japan and North Korea existed. He later became a North Korean operative. However, he defected North Korea with his family in 1998 as he felt danger of being purged by Kim Jong-Il who succeeded his father Kim Il-Sung. The Embassy of Japan in Beijing, China helped him and his family safely return to Japan in 1999.
A majority of Koreans smuggled themselves into Japan during either Jeju Uprising or the Korean war after the Greater East Asia War (called either the Pacific War or the World War II in the western hemisphere). None of them was forced to move to Japan.
Below is a Japanese news film reporting on North Korean repatriation scheme, in which North Koreans express joy over returning to their motherland while South Koreans sabotaged in every possible way North Korean repatriation scheme.
Japan and her people strongly desire "peace and stability" in the Far East region, so as neither to maintain nor to improve Japan-Korean peninsula relations. Just stay away from Japan and her people. The Korean peninsula is just pain in the ass. But remember that all the Koreans will not even have to liquidate all their debts to Japan and her people before departure. Everybody knows that they have never paid back, though. They have just stolen, copycatted, fabricated, murdered, raped, etc., you name it.
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