A reality in Japan: South Korean man has been arrested on suspicion of faking his income and at the same time having received welfare money from the Government of Japan.
許愛栄(허 아사카), nightclub owner, aged 54, South Korean citizen now residing in Toyama, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan confesses to Japanese police that he wanted to have lots of money. His annual income is estimated to be at least JPY 100 million (almost equivalent to USD 1 million at the current rate). It is reported that he not only has received welfare money but also has resided in a house for the poor.
There are many reported cases of welfare fraud committed by Korean citizens residing in Japan since municipal government offices tend to grant Korean citizens welfare support without thoroughly investigating their economic situation.
The Government of Japan has approved of two bills on May 17, 2013, strengthening countermeasures against welfare fraud and supporting the poor families by extending help for them to get back on their own feet again.
【生活保護を問う】不正受給の罰則強化、初の本格改正法案、閣議決定 - MSN産経ニュース http://sankei.jp.msn.com/life/news/130517/trd13051715000018-n1.htm
【生活保護不正受給】韓国女の年商1億超 「都営住宅」からタクシー通勤 - MSN産経ニュース http://sankei.jp.msn.com/affairs/news/130519/crm13051922310006-n1.htm
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