A South Korean journalist aged 28 says that we dropped nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and that our nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were our reprisal for the Asian people victimized by Japan's imperialism.
As the above statement suggests, not every South Korean but at least some of them have been brainwashed to believe that they were sided with US and its allies during the Greater East Asia War (called either the Pacific War or the World War II in the West), contrary to the historical fact that Korea was part of Japan as both Japan and Korea were tightly united under the common destiny alliance called Japan-Korea annexation fully recognized by the international community.
This is a remarkable achievement US has done in its brainwashing activities since the foundation of the Republic of Korea on August 13, 1948.
Why the Republic of Korea has turned against Japan?
When S. Korea Gained Independence? August 15, 1945 or August 13, 1948?
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