Updated at 8:16 on 6/13/2013
The article below reports on one of the US brutal acts committed in Japan, ignoring Japan's laws and order during US occupation of Japan.
The article dated September 9, 1945, only 7 days after Japan signed an instrument of surrender on September 2, 1945, in Tokyo Bay aboard the USS Missouri when General MacArthur concluded the ceremony by saying: “Let us pray that peace be now restored to the world, and that God will preserve it always."
However, "Peace" MacArthur talked about is only for victors but not for Japan. September 2, 1945 is "a date which will live in infamy." as far as Japan goes. It is the date that General MacArthur began his really cruel brainwashing campaign against Japan and her people, not to mention the brutal acts such as raping, abduction, looting, killing, etc.
The article below succinctly describes the rampant abduction and raping of Japanese women by US soldiers.
Title: Japanese women rampantly abducted by US soldiers
Urging victims to report abduction cases to the Authority
Reporting from Yokohama:
A number of the deplorable criminal cases have gradually decreased because the Japanese authority's repeated strong protest to Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (see Note 1) who has accordingly issued an order to US soldiers seems to have proven effective.
However, compared with other criminal cases committed by the US forces, abduction of Japanese women by US soldiers who craftily avoid surveillance being enforced by US Military Police has conspicuously increased.
Their most common modus operandi is that several US soldiers driving in a car approach a Japanese woman walking on the street and then force her into the car and drive away to the unknown place where they satisfy their sexual desire. They afterward drive her back to the housing area.
A majority of the victims has not submitted complaints to the Japanese Authority because they have no choice but to just keep themselves quiet about their shameful experience they don't want anybody to know. Thus, a number of cases that have been recognized as criminal cases is limited although quite a few number of witness accounts have been so far given to the Japanese Authority.
The Japanese Authority faces legal limitation to deal with those cases reported by eyewitnesses, against which the Japanese Authority in fact desires to strongly protest the Supreme Commander, since whereabouts and names of the victims have remained unknown. The Japanese Authority urges the victims to submit complaints to the Japanese police station or police box (Koban) although the Japanese Authority fully understands that the victims have to endure pains and shame they have suffered, not only for the victims but also for those who are not yet fully aware of US criminal cases.
There are some victims who have written anonymous letters of complaints about their brutal experience to the police, however, they are not legally effective at all. They must complain about them directly to the police. The Mainichi Shinbun -end of the translation.

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On September 18, 1945, General MacArthur ordered the Government of Japan to suspend for two days from September 18 to September 20 all the reporting activities of The Asahi Shinbun for the reason that the following article published on September 15, 1945 by The Asahi Shinbun had angered General MacArthur.
At the same time, General MacArthur issued his statement as follows:
The Allied power will never recognize Japan as being equal in every respect. As Japan is our enemy who lost the war, she has no rights to occupy any position in the civilized world. We will not negotiate with Japan.
(Although I believe that his original statement was written in English, the above is only a gist of his statement tentatively translated into English from the Japanese translation known to the people in Japan. Thus, it may differ from the original.)
The following translation of the article published by The Asahi Shinbum is provisional.
As long as the United States of America champions “Power is justice.”, she will not refuse to accept her own violations of international laws and war crimes as evidenced in the use of the Atomic bombs, massacres of the innocent civilians, indiscriminate attacks on hospital ships, and the use of poisonous gases.
We will make the Americans observe terrible spectacles of the bombed areas as much as possible and will make them realize that they should nurture their own sense of responsibilities for compensation and reconstruction by means of sincerely revealing the fact that Japan alone will never envision reconstruction and also by placing an emphasis on our determination that we will make them recognize Japan’s democratic recovery and her participation in international trade as being nothing disagreeable to the US interests and also to the international wellbeing, thereby making them actively cooperate with Japan in reconstruction. by Mr. Ichiro Hatoyama -end of the translation.
Since September 18, 1945, the Japanese media ceased to report anything which General MacArthur might consider damaging to the interests of the allied power, followed by an order for the Japanese media to observe the code of practice issued on September 19, 1945, by which General MacArthur scrutinized every article before publication.
General MacArthur had already ordered AP not to report anything the Allied power might find damaging to its interests on September 1, 1945, one day before the official ceremony of Japan's surrender aboard the USS Missouri.
Therefore, September 18, 1945 is another substantially significant date that US actually began its brainwashing activities in Japan under "War Guilt Information Program=WGIP" executed by Supreme Commander General Douglas MacArthur, trying to make the entire Japanese population believe that only Japan is bad and wrong in every respect while US and its allies are good and right in every respect.
GHQは18日、日本政府に対して「2日間、朝日新聞の発行を停止させること」を命じ、マッカーサーは同時に「連合国はいかなる点においても、日本国と連合国を平等とみなさないことを、日本が明確に理解するよう希望する。日本は文明諸国間に地位を占める権利を認められていない敗北せる敵である。最高司令官は日本政府に対して命令する。交渉はしない」という声明を出しました。 なぜ朝日新聞は戦前と戦後で論調を180度変えたのですか?
Note 1: Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) is the title held by General Douglas MacArthur during the occupation of Japan following the Greater East Asia War ( or WWII or Pacific War in the West).
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US brutal act during US occupation of Japan No. 1
US brutal act during US occupation of Japan No. 2
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