日本国島根県竹島 Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Deeply impressed with well-defined analysis of U.S. anti-Japan maneuvering in Asia before and after the Greater East Asia War (or the World War II or the Pacific War called in the Western Hemisphere; read The Greater East Asia War" VS. "The Pacific War" ) in the blog post I was recently exposed to, I have decided to devote my time and effort to writing a brief English summary of the post whose title is "Why the Republic of Korea has turned against Japan? 韓国が「反日」になったわけ ".
Syngman Rhee (born on March 26, 1875 and died on July 19, 1965) had forced the Korean population to deny anything Japanese by nurturing hatred toward Japan among the Korean population as soon as he became the first president of the Republic of Korea in 1948 ( Read When S. Korea Gained Independence? August 15, 1945 or August 13, 1948? ).
He was actively involved in fabricating a story that Korea before Japan-Korean annexation in 1910 was the most ideal state in the East whereas denouncing falsely Japan as the most barbaric nation and in spreading it throughout U.S. via such mass media as newspapers published by William Randolph Hearst, thereby trying to seek and secure assistance from U.S. (Read Koreans Return Evil for Good ).
His fabricated story of Japan as "evil" undoubtedly served as a basis for U.S. to determine its political intervention in the Far East. A majority of Koreans who actually lived happily during the 35 years of annexation had to accept his fictitious story, knowing it was untrue because anyone who publicly stated "The Great Imperial Japan was good or Rhee's government was bad" was arrested, jailed, tortured, and executed by Rhee.
He further strengthened his anti-Japan policy, so as to detruct people's attention from the serious crimes he committed soon after he sworn in as the first president. Just to list a few of his atrocities in South Korea, Rhee was responsible for Bodo League massacre of 1950 (South Korean civilian organizations believe there might have been up to 1,140,000 victims, representing 6% of the 1950 population of South Korea. ), Jeju Uprising of 1948 in which 14,000 to 60,000 individuals were killed in fighting or execution, and National Defense Corps Incident of 1950 in which some 50,000 to 90,000 soldiers starved to death or died of disease on the march and in the training camps because the National Defense Corps Commander Kim Yungun (Kim Yun-keun) (Kim Yoon-keun), son-in-law of Defence minister Shin Sung-mo embezzled funds allocated to foods for the recruited soldiers.
Thus, the direction of Japan-South Korean relationship was basically determined when Rhee became the first president of the Republic of Korea, well assisted by the U.S. government. His anti-Japan policy has been uninterruptedly handed down, one after another, to the current president.
His infamous anti-Japan policy is best demonstrated in the invasion into Takeshima islets in 1952 by unilaterally establishing Syngman Rhee Line on January 18, 1952 in defiance of international laws (Read Takeshima Issue: Unforgivable Atrocity Committed by the government of South Korea ).
A Japanese fisherman abducted and tortured by South Korea in 1950s. No information on his whereabouts has been given to Japan by South Korea.
A Brief History - Takeshima Invasion by ROK: During the period of January 18, 1952 (date of unilateral establishment of Syngman Rhee Line) to June 22, 1965 (signing date of Treaty on
Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea), 328 Japanese fishing vessels were captured and 3,929 fishermen were abducted by South Korea. And,44 Japanese fishermen were brutally murdered by South Korea. Besides, South Korea used abducted fishermen as a bargaining chip for negotiating with Japan on the Treaty.
Takeshima Issue: Unforgivable Atrocity Committed by the government of South Korea
Takeshima Issue: Unforgivable Atrocity Committed by the government of South Korea
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