日本国沖縄県石垣市登野城- Tonoshiro, Ishigaki City, Okinawa
Prefecture, Japan
Anti-Japan education could be described as the excessively and unreasonably biased education based on the educational policy pursued particularly by such nations as China, North Korea, and South Korea for the purpose of nurturing "sense of detestation" toward Japan and her people among their population and then creating unreasonably deep psychological barriers, thereby not allowing them to promote friendship with Japan and her people. Their anti-Japan education is often based on "fabricated stories“ of the historical events.
Aims of Anti-Japan Education:
They practice anti-Japan education, just suited to achieve their aims to maintain regimes, to nurture patriotism, and to enhance ethnic awareness.
Anti-Japan Education in China:
China censors and controls mass media, publications, movies, etc. Jiang Zemin who served as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China from 24 June, 1989 to 15 November, 2oo2, came to power following Tiananmen Square incident of 1989.
To overcome national crisis resulting from economic sanctions imposed by such major economic powers as represented in the 15th G6 summit (U.S., Japan, West Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, and European Commission) after Tiananmen Square incident, the fall of communism in various Central and Eastern European countries, and the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991, Jiang Zemin enforced and promoted anti-Japan education or patriotic education as a means to distract people's attention from domestic political issues, so as to re-justify and to reinforce his communist rule since he much feared that Chinese communist regime might collapse if nothing done.
Japan notified China that Japan had postponed Japan's Phase III Yen loan soon after Tiananmen Square incident in 1989. In G6 summit held in Paris in July, 1989, G6 leaders issued a joint statement denouncing Chinese crackdown on democratic movements, thereby postponing the World Bank's new loans to China. Access Overview of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to China for readers' reference.
Although Japan resumed Yen loans to China when Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu visited China in August, 1991, China had to dispel its negative image Tiananmen Square crackdown on democracy had inevitably caused. And, then Jiang Zemin invited His Majesty the Emperor of Japan to China in October, 1992, appealing to the world that China would promote friendship with Japan.
However, Jiang Zemin introduced a new guideline on the patriotic education in 1994, so as to deal with China's domestic and external political confrontations.
Below is one good example of how China has fabricated its history and has educated children the fabricated history since the end of the Greater East Asia war in 1945. Some Japanese critics banteringly express a remark that the number of Chinese victims in Japan-China war would soon exceed the total population of China during the war, as seen in the figures of victims.
The number of Chinese victims has increased. (listed in chronological order):
1945: 1.32 million announced by U.S. occupation forces and Kuomintang of China (The figure estimated by the victors of the war but not by Japan as a loser)
1948: 4.38 million announced by Kuomintang of China
1950s:10 million announced by the Communist China
1970: 18 million announced by the Communist China
1985: 21 million announced by the Communist China on the occasion of 40th anniversary of Japan-China war
1998: 35 million announced by Jiang Zemin
2005: 50 million announced by the Communist China on the occasion of 60th anniversary of Japan-China war
Despite the countless number of Japanese efforts including Japan's official development assistance fully covered with Japanese taxpayers' money, Japan always faces Chinese nationalism spurred by the Communist regime in need of "scapegoat" for their domestic problems and often subtly instigated by other major powers who once fought against Japan in the Greater East Asia war.
The following Japanese tweet manifests Japanese feelings toward the on-going unrest in China.
Not a word of appreciation heard from Chinese and Koreans! We, the Japanese taxpayers who have worked so hard with our bare hands often full of blood blisters, sweating so much on our faces! They have grown up to join the international community by aids fully covered with our tax money! They only return evil for good! Take those self-proclaimed Japanese who have donated our money to China and Koreas to the court for the felony they have committed, however, it is too serious to judge. (The translation is provisional and subject to change)
日本人が手に血豆を作り 額に汗し働き国に納めた血税が謝罪名目で中共や朝鮮等々に感謝もされず上納した結果で中共も朝鮮等々も国力を付け国際社会の一員となれた その恩 義理を仇で返してくる非情な国 こんな国々を擁護している自称日本人達の大罪は 計り知れない 反日工作員達を吊るし上げろ
It is understood in Japan that a majority of those staging anti-Japan protests are said to be Chinese (some are called "ant race" living like ants at the basements of the buildings in major cities) from rural areas, educated in such a manner as to believe that the state-led nationalism developed and promoted by Chinese political and cultural elites have been only a truth. However, some Japanese critics reportedly hold a view that demonstrations against Japan over Senkaku Islands have now developed into those protesting against their own government, as seen in their attack on the government facilities.
In conjunction with the anti-Japan protests, the Communist China has tacitly approved of "愛国無罪", literally "Being Patriotic, Being Pardoned", suggesting that any crimes to be committed against Japan and her people are pardoned based on a principle of "whatever they do out of patriotism, they are pardoned".
Some western powers should realize that any instigation, if proved to be true, may constitute either accessory to or complicity in the crimes committed by those Chinese protesters.
Photos below show Chinese protesters (possibly agitated by Chinese operatives) vandalizing and looting Japanese factories, supermarkets, restaurants, etc.
A Japanese factory under attack by Chinese protesters

Chinese attackers clapping their hands, watching a Japanese factory being engulfed in flames.

Chinese attacking a Japanese supermarket. Just a bunch of vandals and looters.

Unrest has spread to Qingdao Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone.

Chinese attackers demanding a hotel to surrender Japanese guests to them.

A huge mall built by Japan in Changsha under attack. It's almost like a war zone.

Japanese restaurants vandalized by Chinese attackers.

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