"Beatles came to South Korea !" says South Korea. Just wondering if Beatles is a group of "four"or "five".
"Beatles came to South Korea !" says South Korea. Just wondering if Beatles is a group of "four"or "five".
via jackassk.web.fc2.com Click here to see more photos
Korean train passengers are free to do anything.
The outrageous action of landing on Takeshima islets by s. korean pres. Lee on August 10 has obviously helped Japan remain convinced that Japan will inevitably enforce some of the countermeasures Japan has long withheld. It is reported that Japan has been in a process of working out the best possible countermeasures at this moment to deal with absurdity suddenly and deliberately demonstrated by Lee.
Not only at the governmental level but also at the citizens level, the necessary execution of countermeasures against s. korean pres. Lee's absurd action appears to be rapidly gaining momentum. Many strongly voice an opinion that Japan's initial action should be in the area of economic sanction such as immediate termination of currency swap agreement with s. korea as Japan only agreed to help s. korea ease s. korean currency exchange situation.
Takeshima Issue: Unforgivable Atrocity Committed by the government of South Korea
Despite Japan's repeated warning against south korean pres. Lee's entry into Takeshima islets still illegally occupied by south korea since January 18, 1952, a little more than three months before San Francisco Peace Agreement (signed on September 8, 1951) became effective on April 28, 1952, Lee defiantly landed on Takeshima islets at around 14:00 on August 10.
Japan has decided to summon South Korean ambassador in Tokyo over Lee's illegal entry into Takeshima islets while considering the recall of the Japanese Ambassador from Seoul, thereby finding it inevitable to witness rapid deterioration in relations between Japan and south korea.
The Government of Japan has strongly protested south korean government against Lee's landing on Takeshima islets and at the same time has announced that the Government will uncompromisingly deal with south korea's outrageous action.
Read the related articles including the digital Extra.
Extra: South Korean pres. Lee landed on Takeshima
Takeshima Issue: Unforgivable Atrocity Committed by the government of South Korea
South Korean pres. Lee should face international justice over
What's Wrong With South Korea?
Face International Justice Over Takeshima or Crawl into a Hole and
US Ambassador Van Fleet Clearly States in His Report "Takeshima
Belongs to Japan"
Outrageous Refusal of Three Japanese Lawmakers to Enter South
Takeshima Day竹島の日Should Be Remembered Along With January 18,
1952-A Date Which Will Live In Infamy
No disputable reasons exist. However, South Korea invaded Takeshima in 1952 when Japan was still under the U.S.occupation. Takeshima has been illegally occupied by South Korea since then.
Japan has peacefully and repeatedly urged South Korea to settle Takeshima issue at International Court of Justice as U.S. ambassador Van Fleet suggested to Japan that the issue might be referred to International Court of Justice. http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/takeshima/proposal.htmlhttp://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/area/takeshima/pdfs/g_sfjoyaku04.pdf Takeshima Issue: Unforgivable Atrocity Committed by the government of South Korea
It is learned on August 9 that South Korean pres. Lee is prepared to enter Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture, Japan on August 10. The Government of Japan has already urged the government of South Korea to cancel his entry into Takeshima illegally occupied by South Korea since 1952 lest Japan-south korea relations will further deteriorate.
In the event that the government of South Korea imprudently executes its scheduled entry, Japan will recall her Ambassador from South Korea.
Japan has confirmed that South Korea has designated sky over Takeshima as military training airspace for jetfighters, which Japan has demanded South Korea to immediately call off. No response has been made yet.
Related articles:
South Korean president, whatever his name is, has just stepped on a booby trap his predecessor Syngman Rhee set and concealed on Takeshima islets, Shimane Prefecture, Japan when he unilaterally established Syngman Rhee Line on January 18, 1952 in defiance of international laws and U.S. warnings (See http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/takeshima/installation.html - Installation of "Syngman Rhee Line" and Illegal Occupation of Takeshima by the Republic of Korea.). He announced today on August 9 that he will visit Japan's territory "Takeshima islets" tomorrow, knowing that his visit will contribute to the further deterioration of bilateral relationship between Japan and south korea. He will have to face its consequences.
Related stories: Takeshima Issue: Unforgivable Atrocity Committed by the government of South Korea
As the month turns to August in Seoul, Korea, Koreans experience unbearable high temperature and humidity that exhaust their stamina, thereby sending them to one common destination "Restaurants specialized in dog meats". They call August "Dog Days" during which they eat dog meats, believing that they regain their stamina required to beat hot and humid summer. In August, the restaurants whose speciality is dog meats are reportedly inundated with dog meat lovers.
Related Story although in Japanese.
In view of what's reported in this article whose gist convinces the people sharing the same values of democracy that South Korea is nothing but a terrorist state as the government of South Korea encourages its people to terrorize Japan and her people, Japan should designate South Korea as a terrorist state. Regardless of what the United States of America, a South Korean lover, says, designation of South Korea as a terrorist state should be done without any delay. No effective legal action has so far been taken against those Koreans who attacked and continue to disturb the Embassy of Japan at all.
The Worst Ever Opening Ceremonies
日本国島根県竹島 Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
This video, I believe, originally produced by UK in 1931 long before the Greater East Asia War (so-called the Pacific War or WWII in the western hemisphere), portrays Korea as having fully benefited from Japan's modernization efforts. However, U.S. later used it for her anti-Japan campaign with the American narration based on fabricated stories, in an attempt to brainwash the American population and their allies into thinking that Japan was "Evil".
The following video shows how joyful Koreans used to be during 36 years of annexation of Korea by Japan. (not translated into English yet)
This photo tells us much more than a historical fact that South Korea fought in Vietnam, catering for the needs of the United States of America. That is how brutal Koreans were during the Vietnam War. They look like "Predators" seen in the American movie.
You can count how many ROK soldiers are in the photo. They are all smiling. They are smiling after the victory, in which they brutally killed Vietnamese and cut their ears off and then strung them onto the wire for completing a sort of “Hawaiian Flower (Ears) Lei”. South Korea has never apologized to Vietnam for their brutality including raping thousands of women. They left thousands of orphans behind.
The following tweets briefly describe the atrocities committed by ROK forces during the Vietnam war and are only a few out of many atrocities known to the limited number of people since they are well described in Japanese while they are little done in English, Chinese, and Korean.
(The translation is provisional and subject to change. )
"The White Peril in the Far East" by Sidney L. Gulick in 1905 says as follows:
The direct cause of the war, then, has been Russia's ambition for Oriental Empire, bearing down in its progress. Manchuria, Korea, and ultimately Japan herself. This process of Russian expansion has been steadfastly pushed, and ruthlessly. It has brought such overwhelming destruction to innocent people in Siberia and Manchuria; it has heaped such insult and such humiliation upon Japan herself and it is so powerful in crushing the national life of the conquered people, that the determination of Japan to save herself from their fate has thrilled the world into sympathy.
Two minor causes contributing to the war have been Japan's wholly altruistic motive of good-will to Korea and to China and her desire to stand for honest straightforward diplomacy.
私の蔵書の中にThe White Peril in the Far East 東洋白禍 1905年に出版された本であり、日露戦争の意義を説明している。ニューヨーク、シカゴ、トロント、ロンドンで出版された本だ。
Si le président de la république de corée Lee s'est plaint de la prostitution ou des prostituées pendant la guerre de la Grande Asie orientale, s'il vous plaît arrêter d'envoyer des prostituées coréennes.
Le gouvernement du Japon devrait envisager l'application de contrôle plus strict sur les prostituées étrangères à venir au Japon, sous le couvert de touristes, etc
If s.korean pres. Lee complains about wartime prostitution or prostitutes, please stop sending anymore Korean prostitutes to Japan now.
The Govt of Japan should consider enforcement of stricter control over foreign prostitutes coming in Japan under the guise of tourists, etc.
70 years ago, those who chose to become prostitutes had no other options (because they were in poverty). Different opinions on the actual number of the wartime prostitutes; however, S. Korea is so stupid enough to insist that there were 200,000 Korean prostitutes. When could the Imperial Japanese soldiers find time to fight if they had that many?
It is estimated that 20% of 4,000 wartime prostitutes were Koreans. Do you know what they have testified? Some said "we were sold to brothels by our dads." while others "we were tricked into working at brothels by our neighbours."
The above is an provisional translation of the following tweets:
Il ya 70 ans, les femmes coréennes devenues prostituées parce qu'ils vivaient dans la pauvreté. Personne ne connaît le nombre exact de prostituées qui ont été les Coréens, mais ils sont tellement assez stupide pour insister pour que 200 000 femmes coréennes travaillaient comme prostituées pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Quand les soldats Impériaux Japonais pourrait trouver le temps de se battre si elles autant?
Il est estimé qu'il y avait 800 prostituées coréennes. Savez-vous ce qu'ils ont témoigné? Certains disaient que nous étions vendus à des bordels par nos papas tandis que d'autres disaient que nous étions vendus à des bordels par nos voisins.
Ce qui précède est une traduction provisoire de tweets ci-dessous;
Hace 70 años, aquellos que optaron por convertirse en prostitutas no tenían otra opción (porque estaban en situación de pobreza). Opiniones diferentes sobre el número real de las prostitutas en tiempos de guerra, sin embargo, los activistas coreanos son tan estúpidos como para insistir en que hay 200.000 prostitutas coreanas. Cuando los soldados podrían Imperial Japonesa encontrar tiempo para pelear si había tantas?
Se estima que el 20% de 4.000 prostitutas eran coreanos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. ¿Sabes lo que las prostitutas declararon? Algunos dijeron que fueron vendidas a prostíbulos por nuestros padres, mientras que otros dijeron que fueron vendidas a prostíbulos por nuestros vecinos.
Lo anterior es una traducción provisional de los tweets siguientes:
日本国島根県竹島 Takeshima, Shimae Prefecture, Japan
Korean supporters of Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors have insulted Japan and her people by waving a banner saying "We all congratulate Japan and her people on an occurrence of "Northeastern Japan Major Quake" during a football match between Japanese football club(Cerezo Osaka) and Korean football club (Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors).
The entire world should have to worry about what Koreans might do next against those suffering from disasters, calamities, etc. , considering their behaviors as clearly evidenced in the following photo.
South Korea sent five humans and two dogs to Japan after Japan suffered a triple disaster. And, South Korea decided not to make donations because of mounting tension over Takeshima issue while Taiwan donated USD 18 billion (largest among all the donations made so far ) and China USD 10 million.
Despite Japan's techincal and financial assistance extended to South Korea in the last half century, and investment and development during 36 years annexation of Korea by Japan , South Korea has returned nothing but evil for all the good things Japan has done so far.
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