TedYokohamaTed Yokohama
@haloefekti Relocation of a U.S.base to Henoko where dugongs swim in turquoise blue water with coral reef has begun with (Cont.)
@haloefekti a rape incident, in which 3 U.S. servicemen raped a 12 yr. old girl in such a cruel manner as described in http://yokohamated.typepad.jp/blog/2011/12/relocation-of-us-futenma-base-in-question.html
@whalenews Anti-whaling nations are prejudiced against Japan and her people. They are the while-ruled nations finding a way to defy Japan.
@whalenews Whales don't belong to the white-ruled nations. They can't control the entire world. A majority is non-whites.
@whalenews Don't brainwash Japanese into thinking that the whites are always right about everything.Don't promote discrimination against JPN
@whalenews 鯨は、白人国家の専有物ではない。白人は、全世界を支配することはできない。何故なら、非白人種が世界の人口の大半を占めているからだ。
@whalenews 白人が常に正義とする考え方を日本人に押し付けようとすることは止めろ。日本に対する差別行為の推進に反対する。
@whalenews 反捕鯨国は、日本と日本国民に対して偏見を抱いている。反捕鯨国は、白人が支配している国家であり、反捕鯨を日本抑圧の手段と捉えている。
@whalenews Japan has long practiced whaling even before many of the anti-whaling nations were born.
@whalenews Japan has a right to pursue its food culture even though it differs from others.
@whalenews Japan het 'n reg om sy kos kultuur na te streef, hoewel dit verskil van ander.
@whalenews breinspoel nie Japannees in die denke dat die wittes altyd reg oor everything.Don 't bevordering van diskriminasie teen JPN
@whalenews Walvisse behoort nie aan die wit regeer die nasies. Hulle kan nie beheer oor die hele wêreld. 'N meerderheid nie-blankes.
@whalenews Anti-walvisvangs nasies is bevooroordeeld teen JPN en sy mense.Hulle is die ruk-regeerde nasies om 'n manier te daag JPN te vind
@whalenews Japan het 'n lang beoefen walvisvangs, selfs nog voordat baie van die anti-walvisvangs lande gebore is.
@whalenews Onthou net JPN is nie 'n vazal staat van die VSA, ens. Ur woorde en dade dikwels beledig JPN se soewereiniteit en onafhanklikheid
@whalenews Rappelez-vous simplement JPN n'est pas un État vassal des Etats-Unis etc Vos paroles et actions (Cont.)
@whalenews souvent insulter sa souveraineté et son
@whalenews Sólo recuerde que Japón no es un Estado vasallo de EE.UU., etc Sus palabras y acciones (Cont.)
@whalenews a menudo se insultan a su soberanía e independencia.
@whalenews If anything happens to Japanese whalers as u declared to execute Kamikaze attack on them, that will be judged premeditated.
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