A few expresses need for harmonized efforts (?) to deal with the outrageous and unlawful Chinese fishing activities between Japan and Republic of Korea; however, Japan's harmonization with ROK is not realistic at all as we face serious violations of our fishing sovereignty by ROK, deeply rooted in its unilateral establishment of Syngman Rhee Line by which ROK killed our 44 men and abducted about 4,000 men until its abolishment. Even now ROK violates our fishing sovereignty and yet has abducted our coast guard men.

We have 200,000 fishermen in Japan while China has 8 million fishermen. This reality (a huge difference in numbers of fishermen) suggests the possibility that they are special forces under the guise of fishermen, so as to secure and to expand their maritime interests. Other reports say that among them, there are those who seem to have never used pencils. In other words, they pose greater difficulties to us since they are just preoccupied with maximizing their catch, not having any knowledge of international laws, EEZ, etc. and not being aware that they are working as special forces of China.
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