Japan still owes USA two summer gifts painstakingly created by Pres. Roosevelt in collaboration with UK and CA with full support from a Jewish scientist Einstein and then presented by Pres.Truman via B-29. Japan has not come up with any clear idea of what to do with them. Both Roosevelt and Truman regretably ignored Japan's diplomatic effort to bring an end to the war because USA strongly desired to conquer Japan and her people.
Hiroshima Massacre Day is one of those landmark days of the year which remind Japan and her people of the history of the American invasion into Japan that began with the arrival of Commodore Perry in 1853. Japan is reminded of the tremendous sacrifices the “greatest generation” made to defend Japan against their invasion and to free Asia from the brutal western colonization and subsequent exploitation of all the resources available in Asia in those days. 67 years ago today, Hiroshima experienced the devastating impact of the nuclear explosion, by which U.S. cold-heartedly massacred the innocent civilians including new born babies, the aged, etc. for which U.S. has not apologized to Japan and her people at all. Rather, U.S. still finds its national pride in the devastating effect of the atomic bomb created by President Roosevelt in collaboration with the United Kingdom and Canada and insists that U.S. saved millions of lives by dropping the A-bomb in Hiroshima. U.S. still clings on to the ostensible fact that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, trying to justify the most inhumane atrocity ever recorded in the history of mankind. Regardless of the fact that the American population still find Roosevelt’s remarks in front of congress both inspiring and chilling after the Pearl Harbor attack, the whole world must fully understand and must resent the American plot that tricked Japan into the war. The U.S. invasion into Japan was premeditated. Hiroshima massacre is a symbol of the U.S. invasion.
As July turns to August, it is the month of mourning. Atomic bombing Memorials of Hiroshima and Nagasaki before August 15, the day when we remember as the day of ending the war.
During this time of year, mass media prepare TV programs for retrospectively reminding the viewers of "Horrors and Miseries of War" by showing the U.S. forces films, in which we see corpses of Japanese soldiers lying around, dying Japanese soldiers, Japanese soldiers being burned to death by flamethrowers, and then Japanese women jumping off Banzai cliff, Saipan again this year.
I have to remind you here that all those programs are nothing educational but so designed as to input distorted and masochistic views of the Japanese history into TV viewers by showing the war dead. They are political propaganda being manipulated by the leftists trying to increase their power while just catering for the needs of the occupation forces. Thus, cabinet members of the leftist party, as the calendar turns to August, feel so relieved to see those propaganda films being shown on TV, trying to influence the Japanese viewers with distorted and masochistic views of history. And, then they believe it justified to ignore "Yasukuni Shrine".
Furthermore, those hypes the Japanese mass media use in August are those filmed by the U.S. forces. In other words, the scenes depicted in them are nothing but the American soldiers hunting down the Japanese soldiers as preys by guns and flamethrowers after the Japanese forces ceased to carry out the organized warfare.
And, the mere fact that the Japanese media continue to show those flicks produced by the U.S. forces, could be interpreted as subtly indicating that the Japanese media harbor the same mentality as the American soldiers who treated the Japanese soldiers like "Cockroaches". This shows that the Japanese mass media never mourn the war dead but they insult them!
Just ask yourself !
The Japanese mass media have so far refrained from publicly showing the dead bodies of those victimized in massive quakes and Tsunami that occurred on March 11 because they just can't publicly display the horrible pictures of the loved ones. But, foreign mass media continue to show no compassion and respect to those dead lying around in the disaster stricken areas by publicly exhibiting them although we can not stop the foreign mass media from doing so. One could easily estimate the degree of sorrow over deaths of their familiy members the surviving families would have when seeing them.
Similarly, just think of the reason behind the un-compassionate act of the Japanese mass media ! They regard the Japanese war dead as some kind of "Cockroaches" just like the American forces do.
How could they possibly insult the Japanese war dead in August, the month of mourning? What kind of mentality do they have? Don't they realize that they are our comrades enshrined in Yasukuni Shrine?
I further write a few points.
Remember the films showing the Japanese women jumping off Banzai cliff in Saipan? The American camera crew knew exactly where the best place to view and film the Japanese women jumping off the cliff was and then waited for them to show up. Because the American soldiers chased them to the cliff. We notice that they turned around to see who's coming after them before jumping off. The last image they saw before jumping off must have been the American soldiers coming after them with grinning laugh. Those Japanese women knew well what would happen to them if captured alive by the American soldiers. They chose to die rather than experiencing humiliation by the American soldiers.
They were Yamato Nadeshikos (Note:Japan women's soccer team "Nadeshiko Japan" named after Yamato Nadeshiko) so proud of being the Japanese. Why do the Japanese media keep showing their final moments ?
Notes: The above is an excerpt from the blog published in Japanese by Mr. Shingo Nishimura, (西村 真悟, Nishimura Shingo, born July 7, 1948) is a Japanese politician, an independent and a member of the House of Representatives in the Diet (national legislature). A native of Sakai, Osaka and graduate of Kyoto University Faculty of Law he was elected to the Diet for the first time in 1993.
The above translation is provisional and subject to change.
Yamato Nadeshiko literally means "Japanese Dianthus", a flower believed to be lovely and yet strong resembling to the Japanese women, always respecting the Japanese tradition and culture.
6th Aug. is the day we remember that we shall not forget & forgive "Hiroshima Massacre", demanding U.S. to apologize to Japan and her people. Stop seeking any excuses for the most vicious and inhumane act ever committed in the history of mankind. Don't let U.S. , CA, and UK, three vicious collaborators of "Manhattan Project", get away with this most serious war crime against humanity!
July 29th is the Memorial Day of Tungchow Mutiny, better know as Tungchow Massacre in Japan. The Communist China owes Japan apologies and reparation for fabricating a story of Nanking Massacre and also for Tungchow Massacre
It seems so encouraging that Mayor of Nagoya City Mr. Kawamura has finally emerged as "Savior" who really discusses a true history of Japan.
"Nanking Massacre" is nothing but a great lie made by the Chinese Communist Party and supporters of the party in Japan (now naturalized) soon after the Greater East Asia War (or called "The Pacific War in the western hemisphere: Read this article at The Greater East Asia War vs. The Pacific War) ended.
A story of Nanking Massacre has been well known in Japan as the one fabricated by The Asahi Shinbun whose reporter named Mr. Katsuichi Honda, although collaborated with ex-Chairman of the Japan Socialist Party Mr. Makoto Tanabe, was fully responsible for this fabrication,
Who actually experienced "Massacres"? Not Chinese, Not Koreans but Japanese! They were unarmed and innocent women, children, the aged, etc. brutally massacred by Chinese and Koreans while trying to return back to Japan after Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945.
Apart from the brutal massacres executed by Chinese and Koreans after the end of the Greater East Asia War, the Chinese Communist Party and its supporters fabricated a story of Nanking Massacre based on and with the use of the photographs of the Japanese civilians brutally massacred by Chinese on July 29, 1937 when Tungchow Mutiny occurred.
Well-disciplined Japanese soldiers trained in such a way as to honor "Samurai Spirit" would have rather chosen "Gyokusai=Honorable Death" as actually practiced in a number of battles as many have been familiar with in a movie titled "Letters from Iwo Jima".
Just watch a video of Tungchow Mutiny in which many Japanese civilians were brutally massacred by Chinese on July 29, 1937.
An Important Note: Read the article titled " Who's stirring up anti-Japan sentiments in Japan?" , so that readers will deepen their understanding of what really happened after US forces invaded Japan in 1945.
I resolutely support Nagoya Mayor Mr. Takahashi Kawamura for his repeated remarks that no Nanking massacre ever occurred in 1937. The biggest obstacle Japan faces is "Japan-China friendship" based on full of lies and baloney. Go ahead and stop any interactions with Nagoya City if that is what Nanking City wants. Nagoya Mayor Mr. Takahashi Kawamura did not withdraw his remarks and repeated his remarks that Nanking Massacre didn't happen at all.
Amid the cultural revolution in China, The Asahi Newspaper fabricated a story of Nanking Massacre based on interviews with those said to be victims prepared by The Community Party of China. The Asahi Newspaper served as "Propaganda Paper" for The Communist Party of China.
Chinese official reports have been disgracing journalism in the post war era. Under the Great Leap Forward Policy implemented by the Community Party of China, 45 million innocent people were massacred, not to mention the massacres in Tibet and Uighur. 20 million innocent people were said to have been murdered during the cultural revolution. No Japanese media have ever seriously and honestly reported on those massacres
日本男児Traveled to 59 countries where I was exposed to different cultures and recognize some of them irreconcilable, however, I dare attempt to mitigate them.
tweets as follows:
China has been attacking website of Nagoya City bc Mayor of Nagoya made repeated remarks that Nanking Massacre didn't occur at all. #UN#PRC
No list of victims produced by anybody at all, including Japan, the Chiang kai-shek government, the Wang Jingwei regime, The International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone, Nanking citizens).
No official documents exist. No one had any recognition of Nanking Massacre in those days, including Japan, He Yingqin, Chiang kai-shek, Mao Zedong, League of Nations.
@TedYokohama Hope US will sell nuclear war heads to Japan, so that Japan will have no trouble going thru any chores of their development. #Tweet4Taiji
@TedYokohama If US does not want to sell nuclear warheads to Japan for any reasons, think about other options. #Tweet4Taiji#BoycottJapan
@TedYokohama US tested nukes in Japan twice to see how humanely and effectively they could kill the combatants incl. in-born babies, etc. #Tweet4Taiji
@TedYokohama US proved that nukes made in USA in collaboration with CA were successful in wiping out every combatant incl. in-born babies. #Tweet4Taiji
@TedYokohama The Govt of Japan should demand strongly that US sell nuclear warheads to Japan. Specify any reasons why US rejects this idea #Tweet4Taiji
The following tweet is a reply sent to me from one I could assume American soon after I posted my blog Tokyo Massacre by U.S. Air Raid is a Serious War Crime.
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