渡邉哲也 代表戸締役@daitojimari
“@maxima_user: 菅元総理が民衆に石を投げられていた。理由を尋ねると「この男は日本の舵取りを間違えたからだ」と答えた。それを聞いたイエスは「この中で,これまで一度も間違いを冒した記憶がない者だけが投げなさい」と言った。すると鳩山元総理だけが石を投げ始めた。”
tweets as follows:
The former Prime Minister Kan was hit on his head by stones thrown by citizens. When asked why you people threw stones at him, they replied "This is the guy who made mistakes at the helm of the Government." Jesus Christ heard them say that and then said to the people "One qualified to throw stones is the one who just does not recall his mistakes at all."
To everyone's surprise, ex-Prime Minister Hatoyama alone stood up and started to throw stones at him.
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