Ted Yokohama自称特務機関員
日本男児Traveled to 59 countries where I was exposed to different cultures and recognize some of them irreconcilable, however, I dare attempt to mitigate them.
Yokohama, JPN ·http://voiceofjapanviatweeting.blogspot.com/
Ted Yokohama自称特務機関員@TedYokohama
General MacArthur of GHQ still curses Japan and her people. Japan needs some power to drive out a ghost of MacArthur. Help Japan ! #UN #NYT
The following tweet made by a member of Arakawa Ward Council, Tokyo Metropolitan Government supports my conviction expressed in my recent tweet shown above.
東京都荒川区議会 小坂英二議員のツィートとブログは、私の確信(日本は、未だに、マッカーサーの亡霊に付きまとわれているーーー)を証拠立てている。
荒川区議 小坂英二 Mr. Eiji Kosaka, Politician, A member of Arakawa Ward Council, Tokyo
東京都荒川区 ·http://kosakaeiji.seesaa.net/
荒川区議 小坂英二@kosakaeiji
tweets We should welcome a sacred photo of His Majesty the Emperor at the main assembly hall of Arakawa Ward, Tokyo. Every local government should follow the suit.
『荒川区議会本会議場に天皇陛下の御真影を再びお迎えを!(全国の地方議会でも!)』日本創新党 荒川区議会議員小坂英二の考…|http://kosakaeiji.seesaa.net/article/258013935.html #荒川区
His blog post related to the above tweet briefly describes his reason for proposing a bill to welcome "Sacred Photo of His Majesty the Emperor" at the main assembly hall of Arakawa Ward.
After the end of the Greater East Asia war, it seems that removal of "Sacred Photo of His Majesty the Emperor" from schools and government offices was ordered when Japan was placed under the occupation of the U.S. forces. I requested Secretariat of our local assembly to locate documents related to this matter. However, I received a reply saying that no documents were found.
Despite the fact that no original decree made by the U.S. forces was found, Japan no longer has any reasons to follow a policy of separating the Imperial Family from Japanese nationals, which was outlined by General Headquarters when Japan was occupied by the U.S. forces.
A photo taken in 1939 shows "Sacred Photo of His Majesty the Emperor" at the main assembly hall of Arakawa Ward, Tokyo
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