whalenewsWhale News
Sea Shepherd condemns Greenpeace for flip-flopping: Either the Department of Foreign Affairs is lying or the Jap... http://bit.ly/tDWhjW
@whalenewsWhale News
Tell Obama: Stop the slaughter and make good on your promise to protect whales.: Gearing up to kill over 1000 wh... http://bit.ly/uZ2POZ
TedYokohamaTed Yokohama @
@whalenews What u are doing is not only a total disturbance to Japan but also an act to defame Japan and her people. All came from taxes.
TedYokohamaTed Yokohama @
@whalenews Those who lost houses have been provided with the prefabricated ones by the Govt of Japan. Now stop sending wrong messages!
@whalenews Why u all guys look at Japan and her people from a very biased perspective?Japan has not dropped nukes on anybody yet! Not like U
@whalenews Anti-whaling nations U.S. and Canada are ex-convicts of having massacred innocent civilians by dropping nukes, etc.
@whalenews Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace both are liars. Japan does not need both of them at all. Stay away from Japan and her people forever!
@whalenews Both Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace are guilty of misrepresenting a truth about Japan's recovery efforts from a triple disaster.
@whalenews Stop sending wrong messages from a nation that dropped nukes on Japan twice. The worst atrocities in the history of mankind.
@whalenews U are just disqualified to say anything about whaling b/c of ur past record of having committed inhumane acts against Japan.
@whalenews Don't u realize how inhumane ur people are?U all think u have successfully erased every record of atrocities ur people committed?
捕鯨反対の動きの背後には、原爆製造と投下に関わった米国、カナダ両国の極めて悪質な本性が見え隠れしております。決して、彼等の反捕鯨の言い分を信じてはいけません。 #捕鯨
何が起きようとも日本人は、決して、決して、原爆製造と投下に関わった米国とカナダを許してはなりません。両国政府に謝罪を求めるべきです。 #原爆
@whalenews U.S. and Canada jointly produced "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" in Manhattan Project to see how Japanesewould die as Guineas pigs.
@whalenews: Japan should continue to condemn US and Canada for jointly having produced and dropped nukes on innocent civilians to see them die.
@whalenews U are not qualified to say anything against Japan and her people at all. Just stay away from Japan and her people.
広島と長崎に投下された原爆は、マンハッタン計画というプロジェクトにより米国とカナダが共同で研究、製造したものです。決してこの事実を忘れてはなりません。米国とカナダです。彼等が広島長崎の人達をモルモットとして人体実験したのです。人類史上最悪の虐殺行為です。 #広島 #長崎 #原爆
高齢者曰く「戦後、米国へ輸出する製品には、”Made in Occupied Japan"=占領下の日本という印刷がされておりました。このことは、強制されたのです。しかし、これをアメ公は喜んで買いました。」
@whalenews Tell Obama U r liars & fabricators! B/C of ur fabrication, just think of how many get misled into having antagonism against Japan

@TedYokohama 自称戦勝国民の朝鮮人が、暴力と恫喝によって、日本人を洗脳、管理してきたからだよ。平和、人権、反戦、差別、男女同権などなど、一見反論不能な欺瞞に満ちた言葉によってね。戦争による同胞の犠牲が、あまりに大きかったせいもあるが。
@brainwash_mogi それもあるが問題は、米国を始めとする戦勝国です。反日的朝鮮人を排除しなかったのか、それとも排除を難しくした原因があるはず。日本に二度と刃向うことができないようにすることが大切と考えてたのは、誰かを考えれば直ぐに判る。
@whalenews Distribution of Fabricated Stories Only Stir Up Antagonism Against Anti-Whaling Nations http://bit.ly/s84nAa
@whalenews U all r in fact anti-JPN activists disguised as anti-whaling ones. Tell me who educated u? Ur Grandpas who dropped nukes on JPN?
@whalenews We all know u r stirring up anti-Japan sentiments under the guise of anti-whaling in an effort to cancel out Hiroshima, Nagasaki
@whalenews Go ahead and tell Obama!! Whoever he is! To think of dropping nukes right on ur head!

In rare joint message, Australia, Netherlands, NZ & US, call on Japan & anti-whaling groups to avoid clash in southern waters.

Joint statement expresses disappointment about #Japan whaling fleet heading for the Southern Ocean.

ANZUS-Dutch whaling warning: "We are prepared to deal with any unlawful activity in accordance with relevant int'l & domestic laws."
@W7VOA Just remember Japan does not represent "Terrorism" while anti-whalers are "Terrorists" Don't stir up anti-Japan sentiments at all.
@W7VOA Just tell Australia, Netherlands, NZ & US, not to gang up against Japan who has just observed international and domestic laws.
@W7VOA If those terrorists injure or kill the Japanese whalers, a cohort of anti-whaling nations must be blamed for supporting "Terrorism".
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