Today, I have encountered North Koreans living in Japan, tweeting their dissatisfaction over Japanese nationals willing to respect "Rising Sun Flag" and to sing national anthem "Kimigayo". This is my first encounter with "Aliens" who seem to have attempted to neglect Japan's sovereignty.
Therefore, I replied as follows to their tweets:
TedYokohamaTed Yokohama
@chisachissa ”君が代、日の丸”は、日本国の”氏名”と考えてください。自分の”氏名”が分からない、言えない人には、同情せざるを得ません。堂々と誇りを持って自分の”氏名”が言えるように優しく、丁寧に指導しましょう。 #君が代
Please think of "Kimigayo" and "Rising Sun flag" as the first name and the last name of Japan. I just can't help sympathizing with those who neither know nor say their first and last names. If you ever encounter anyone of them, kindly extend your help to them until they can proudly say their first and last names.
TedYokohamaTed Yokohama @
@chisachissa 何故、日米欧だけが資本主義で、 韓国は、資本主義ではないのでしょうか?中国も資本主義ですけどね。
Why do you regard only Japan, U.S. , and Europe as capitalists? Don't you think South Korea is a capitalist? Or, even China?
chisachissa朴 智史
Nope! He is a man who forces people to respect "Rising Sun flag" and to sing "Kimigaya". Don't you realize that? Don't you understand what "Rising Sun flag"and"Kimigaya" connote? It could mean "the Empire of Osaka" has been established.
Note: The above tweet made by a North Korean living in Osaka is related to the local elections held today in Osaka, in which Mr. Hashimoto, a lawyer and former TV personality, won as Osaka's Mayor and Mr. Matsui, a member of Mr Hashimoto’s locally based political party, won as Osaka governor in Sunday’s voting. Populist outsider wins Osaka mayor election
Mr. Hashimoto successfully enacted a decree obligating public school teachers to stand up and to sing Japan's national anthem this year. 大阪府、君が代条例成立 教職員に起立斉唱義務づけ This decree has been enacted based on The Act on National Flag and Anthem. See Act on National Flag and Anthem (Japan)
chisachissa朴 智史
Individualism has been rampant, making people blind to what's around them. Not realizing this, they have formed a majority who will soon make genocide happen everywhere. Mistreatment, oppression, etc. will intensify. This is a true nature of capitalism (a society that highly values money). No success at all for U.S. , Europe, and Japan practicing capitalism.
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