慰安婦は当時公認の職業売春婦だったことが既に明らかになっている。金になることなら何でも難癖つけてユスリ・タカリをするチンピラ国家【韓国 慰安婦問題で日本に協議提案】http://bit.ly/oNBFgi #mpj #jnsc
Tweets It is already known that "Comfort Women" were those engaged in prostitution fully recognized as a profession in those days. South Korea is a hoodlum nation that has quibbled over anything it considers will generate money. It is just an extortionist and a racketeer. South Korea proposes to talk with Japan over "Comfort Women". http://bit.ly/oNBFgi
For your referrence, read "Confute Fabrication of Comfort Women!" at http://voiceofjapanviatweeting.blogspot.com/2011/02/confute-fabrication-of-comfort-women.html
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