perfumekawaee perfumekawaee
韓国人、朝鮮人は事あるごとに過去の話を持ち出し、何度謝罪してもいくら賠償しても、絶対に日本を許さず、さらなる要求を突きつけてきます。 強制連行なるものや従軍慰安婦はでっち上げであり、本来であれば謝罪・賠償を要求するのは日本人の方なのです。
tweets South Koreans and North Koreans bring up things of the past whenever they feel being cornered and sinking in mire. And, they demand Japan to pay and apologize for things that never happened. "Forced migration to Japan and comfort women are stories fabricated by them, for which Japan should demand North and South Koreans to apologize Japan and her people and to pay for the damages incurred to Japan and her people.
tweets Whenever Korean citizens living in Japan bring up things of the past, just ignore them as "big lies" and then, you are completely alright. Tell them to get lost (deported) by pointing out a number of atrocities they have committed in the past. Don't forget to tell them to return money back to us. "Money they have extorted from us."
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