The following tweets are conversation on Japan-U.S.-South Korea relationships between Ted Yokohama and Isibasi via Twitter.

Ted Yokohama
Declare the current constitution of Japan invalid and arm Japan with nuclear arsenals as anti-deployment of Osprey necessitates reinforcement of Japan's defense capability as a step to protect Japan and her people from growing threats by the Korean peninsula, China, etc.

Although you always sound like U.S. Marines protecting Japan, specify your basis for U.S. Marines to protect Japan. No such a case as for U.S. Marines to move in that direction because they are not regular forces but they just go out to anywhere for military interventions with conflicts in the world whenever ordered by President. The Congress has power to decide on whether to send troops.
Chinese threats have been around for some time. China has been known as a great thief for four thousand years. That's something we should take into consideration. Japan's view is only limited to protection of Senkaku Islands but U.S. looks at China as one to fight against. Maintenance of U.S. Marine Corps base in Okinawa suggests that U.S. recognizes Okinawa as being safe. U.S. Marines are not there most of the time.

Ted Yokohama
If US Marines are unreliable, the only option left for Japan is to depend on her own defense forces. No reason to depend on ROK, DPRK, PLA, etc. for her defense.

Russia is a better option because she is dutiful to its allies. Japan will benefit much more from Japan-Russia security pact. U.S. exploits Japan only for its interests as seen in the U.S. Congress always criticizing Japan. Japan-U.S. Security Pact has been meaningless since the establishment of Japan Defense Forces.
By the way, Japan-U.S. Security Pact is only an excuse for forcing Japan to disarm herself. Okinawa was a front-line base to defend the Korean peninsula at the time of the Korean war. Evidently U.S. had no forces to defend Japan as U.S. did nothing to the unilateral establishment of Syngman Rhee Line. Check it out with the books on Syngman Rhee.
US Marines serve only to protect South Korea created by U.S. Life of Syngman Rhee tells us that Japan has been forced into the position of being complicit in that scheme and has sacrificed herself for South Korea. The American-born Koreans are those responsible for instigating anti-Japan moves through education at schools in South Korea. They are still very much active because they are being tacitly endorsed by U.S.A.
A difference seen in the case of Vietnam between Japan and South Korea is that Japan had struggled through Citizen's League for Peace in Vietnam, thereby having Okinawa reverted to Japan. There is nothing we can gain without fighting for. Notice the whirlpools of Japanese bureaucrat's clandestine interests in South Korea. Contrary to bureaucrat's speculation, there is a question of whether we have any Japanese willing to fight for South Korea.
I believe that there are no Americans willing to fight for Japan. The U.S. Congress has always been standing by South Korea mainly because U.S. finds pride in the fact that U.S. has supported South Korea U.S. created and partly because U.S. has found it difficult to tolerate Japan's rise to the position of a major economic power. U.S. hysteria and hatred toward Japan is observed in Japan bashing being practiced by South Korea.
This is what my relative in U.S. for market research told me. Japan bashing being practiced by Koreans is much more server than in Japan and in South Korea. Some kind of synergy is working there, proving that anti-Japan education has been carried out within U.S.
In reality, who knows if operatives working in Japan and South Korea are really South Koreans. I kind of like South Korean president. Even South Korea seems to be paralyzed. I understand the U.S. military presence will not benefit both Japan and South Korea.

Ted Yokohama
Your tweets except a tweet on the option to choose Russia as Japan's ally are quite interesting. Much of what you said in the tweets sounds agreeable, however, I believe it most ideal that Japan should declare the current constitution invalid and at the same time should promote her own defense system. I will later on translate your tweets into English as precisely as possible.
The above translation is provisional and subject to change whenever Ted Yokohama decides to do so.
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