A scary story on the scariest night of the year! Just in case you are interested in Japan's struggle to dispose of the bombs indiscriminately dropped in Japan by the US government during the Greater East Asia War (See "The Greater East Asia War" VS. "The Pacific War" , Japan Self-Defense Forces has disposed of 122, 204 live bombs found from 1958 to 2007, not including those (961 tons) found and disposed of from 1954 to 1957. As far as Japan is concerned, the war has not ended yet, costing Japan a lot not only in terms of money but also in terms of human lives.
RT @AsiaNewsDemetri: AP News - Japanese airport closed after WWII bomb found Japanese airport reopens after WWII bomb found
October 28 (Sasebo, Japan)- A United States Navy sailor was found dead on the railway platform of Japan Railway Co. Haiki station, Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan and later identified as Samuel Lewis Stiles (25), Petty Officer 2nd Class of United States Fleet Activities Sasebo, Japan.
At around 5 am on October 28, he was found dead, bleeding from his forehead. According to the Japanese police authorities, the fact that part of his windbreaker was burnt suggests possible electrocution after he somehow climbed up to the roof of the train car stopping at the station after the operating hours. The police also reportedly discovered a few empty cans of alcoholic drink called "Chūhai" nearby his body.
The discovery of his body at 5 am strongly suggests that he may have breached a recently implemented curfew on US service personnel, requiring them to stay at bases, personal homes, or hotels between 11 pm and 5 am. The curfew was put into place after two US sailors were arrested on accusations that they raped and robbed on October 16 at between 3:30 am and 4:20 am a young Japanese woman in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.
The Japanese police authority is now investigating the case to determine the cause of his death.
A related-stor: To All US Servicemen Stationed in Japan
@chubu #韓国 #北朝鮮 寄生虫の定義 http://bit.ly/RpdbXR
Tapeworm Self Extraction この映像キモイです。寄生虫サナダムシの除去 ♯韓国 ♯北朝鮮 #ROK #SouthKorea
RT @chubu: あんな国タダでも行かない。“@YukinoYamato: は?正気?→日本、韓国の両政府は29日、日韓観光振興協議会を開き、2013年の日韓を行き来する旅行者の目標を11年の約1.4倍に当たる700万人に増やすとする文書を発表。http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNASFS2900B_Z21C12A0EB1000/”
Parasitism. In biology, the term parasite refers to an organism that grows, feeds and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host.
The Sankei reports on a testimony made by a North Korean defector, ex-member of The Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) saying that 41 Japanese are still confined in Pyongyang, North Korea.
A North Korean man who defected North Korea last November participated in the meeting held in Tokyo by the Society for the North Korea Issues on October 27 and testified that 25 Japanese males and 16 Japanese females have been confined in the restricted area called "Guest House" in Pyongyang, North Korea.
However, the Government of Japan still holds an official view that only 17 Japanese were abducted by North Korea and that 5 out of 17 abductees were returned to Japan in 2002.
「平壌に日本人拉致被害者41人が監禁」 http://on-msn.com/XHhIal via @MSNJapan
作家 経済評論家 代表戸締役こと渡邉哲也です。本業は企業経営です。 メルマガは http://foomii.com/00049 出稿、講演の依頼は[email protected] で受け付けております。お気軽に 日本 · http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/daitojimari
Tetsuya Watanabe:Japanese Novelist, Economic Critic, CEO
@daitojimari中国には、13億人の戸籍のある人と 3-5億人の戸籍のない人がいます。 そして、自由が与えられている都市部の住民は3億人 それなりの生活しているのは8000万人の共産党関係者 そして、日本人と同じレベルの生活ができるのは1200万人 130万人が国の民間資産の7割を持っている。
In China, 1.3 billion people are registered while 300 million to 500 million people are not. Freedom is given to 300 million people living in the urban areas, 80 million of whom are either members of and/or related to the communist party accessible to some decent life. Only 12 million people enjoy the same standard of life as we Japanese do. 1.3 million people own 70% of the private assets.
It is reported that US Secretary of State Dulles had repeatedly threatened Japan over territorial issues while Japan was trying to straighten out the entangled territorial issues intentionally created by U.S. government, thereby keeping those irritants effectively damaging to Japan's relations with China, Taiwan, ROK, and the Soviet Union (now Russia).
なんで人をコンクリート詰めにするような殺人犯を、本名じゃなく、角田正則なんてコロコロ変えられるあだ名で報道するの? 本名は李正則なのに。 在日アメリカ人も本名、在日ブラジル人も本名。 なんで在日韓国人ばかりあだ名で報道するわけ?
在日の闇。RT @tabatamasuhiro 【尼崎事件】韓国籍の李正則=朝日などは「角田正則」として報道。死体遺棄強要などで逮捕。角田美代子とはいとこ同士だが養子縁組であり血縁関係なし。『この事件に、縁組が多いのは不正に国籍を取得したり日本人になりすますためである。』
【尼崎で更にショッキングな情報が出回っている】 ①コンクリ詰め大量殺人事件の角田みたいなグループが他にも居る。②本件は半島出身者の日本人一家戸籍乗っ取り犯罪だ。③いとこと称する李正則を含む連中を「金髪デブ軍団」と陰で呼んでた。④養子縁組で日本国籍とらせる帰化人犯罪集団の手口だ。
桜井会長bot@doronpabot(通名)通名自体は他の外国人でも使えるんですよ。ただし他の外国人の場合は、例えば“Edmund smith”って名前があったら通名は片仮名の「エドモンド・スミス」なんですよ。金なんとかが金田なんとかになったりとかね、こんなアホなことしないんですよ。それが通名の問題点の一つです。
桜井会長bot@doronpabot日本国民は一年間に約3万人首吊ってるんですよ。この内2万人は年金が貰えません生活保護が貰えませんといって生きていけなくなったから首吊ってる状況で、在日韓国人朝鮮人が首吊ったなんて聞いたことありますか皆さん。(ない!) 無いんですよ!本当に無いんですよ。
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