Only a few might have noticed a rarity no one has ever heard of in the history of Olympics since 1896 when the first international Olympic Games was held in Athens, Greece in the Modern era.
At the opening ceremony held with much fanfare on July 27, Japan entered Main Stadium of London Olympics after Jamaica just like every other nation had done. However, Japan team soon vanished like Ninja. Not many but a few thought that Brits must have used some kind of stage magic (illusion trick) or teleportation, just to surprise the audience at the stadium and TV viewers.
Can you imagine what really happened to the Japanese team? Brits just failed to show their skills in entertaining the audience by playing some magic but they successfully made the Japanese team disappear from the main stadium.
Brits Olympic personnel guided the Japanese team to the exit instead of taking the team to the center of the Olympic stadium where every national team was supposed to stay and observe the ceremony.
The sudden disappearance of the Japanese team from the main stadium was not intentional, explains JOC (Japan Olympic Committee), most probably defending Brits for this forced early departure of the Japanese team from the main stadium, when answering inquiries from bloggers. As usual, no apology has been heard yet.
The following 2 tweets were made in Japanese, wondering why the Japanese team had been taken outside the stadium.

The forced departure of the Japanese team; No way to think it's just any kind of mistake at all. It's a regret that I have no way to find out a truth.
ツイッターにはロンドン在住の人も選手関係者も政治家も…大勢の人がいますので情報が拡散するにつれ詳細が明らかになるのではと思います RT @touyoui 日本選手団強制退場問題。どう判断しても誘導ミスとは思えないが‥‥残念ながらこの件に関しては情報ルートがない。
There are many Japanese residents in London, those related to the Japanese players, Japanese politicians who will tweet on this issue. It is a matter of time that we get detailed information on the issue.
【ロンドン五輪】日本選手団は開会式でどうして退場したのか? JOCに問い合わせたところ「誘導ミス」と判明
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