HirokoTabuchiHiroko Tabuchi
Sometimes hard to believe Japanese study English for 6 years in school.. Nikkei Woman still stuck on ABCs: http://wol.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/column/20111219/116603/
@HirokoTabuchi Sometimes hard to believe Americans never study Japanese in school..
HirokoTabuchiHiroko Tabuchi
Even NKorea has better avg TOEFL score than Japan http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2011/12/01/2011120101005.html Prob tiny # of test-takers in NKorea, but still. via @Japanintercult
I wonder what u r trying to say by N.K. better than JPN in terms of TOEFl @HirokoTabuchi: Even NKorea has better avg TOEFL score than Japan
It proves Japan is the least brainwashed nation in the free world. @HirokoTabuchi: Even NKorea has better avg TOEFL score than Japan
Indicate English proficiency of the U.S. high school students if u know @HirokoTabuchi: Even NKorea has better avg TOEFL score than Japan

A recruiter at a top Japanese company once told me that one reason they want to hire Chinese graduates.. is bc of their good English :S

@gullevek Really? Most Chinese college graduates I've met have good English.
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