日本国島根県竹島 Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
What The Japan Times has either intentionally or inadvertently failed to report is that the incident occurred while a Japanese Navy destroyer was executing landing and take-off drill of shipborard helicopters at high seas about 50 kilometers east of Takeshima before the destroyer joined "search and rescue operations" to be jointly conducted with the Russian Navy off Vladivostok, Russia.
My comment:
Korea Air Defense Identification Zone was unilaterally established by ROK without any legal basis after ROK invaded Takeshima. Japan can fly over there whenever Japan wants since Takeshima islands have been historically a part of Japan.
「海自ヘリ 竹島上空接近」 韓国報道、警告で引き返す(産経新聞) - Y!ニュース http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20121005-00000091-san-pol
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