Your article ( Times are Changing in Northeast Asian Waters http://on.cfr.org/R96RAz ) is brief but explains well U.S. interests in the Asia-Pacific waters. However, it stops short of describing the reason behind the territorial dispute.
Why the Republic of Korea has turned against Japan? 韓国が「反日」になったわけ - Voice of Japan via Tweeting Daily http://yokohamated.typepad.jp/blog/2012/08/deeply-impressed-with-well-defined-analysis-of-us-anti-japan-maneuvering-in-asia-before-and-after-the-greater-east-asia-war.html#.UHW_pHyRaR8.twitter
Your article ( Times are Changing in Northeast Asian Waters http://on.cfr.org/R96RAz ) is brief but explains well U.S. interests in the Asia-Pacific waters. However, it stops short of describing the reason behind the territorial dispute.
Why the Republic of Korea has turned against Japan? 韓国が「反日」になったわけ - Voice of Japan via Tweeting Daily http://yokohamated.typepad.jp/blog/2012/08/deeply-impressed-with-well-defined-analysis-of-us-anti-japan-maneuvering-in-asia-before-and-after-the-greater-east-asia-war.html#.UHW_pHyRaR8.twitter
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