日本国島根県竹島 Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Japan has strongly condemned South Korea's abrupt decision to refuse Japan's naval ship to enter Busan port at the southern tip of the Korean peninsula during the U.S.-led Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) exercise from September 26 to September 27.
Japan, the United States, Australia and South Korea are scheduled to participate in the maritime drill aimed at curbing trafficking in weapons of mass destruction.
Japan finds it extremely rude that South Korea as a host nation has officially decided not to allow a Japanese naval ship to enter the port regardless of the reasons South Korea may have. Although Japan once considered a possibility of cancelling her participation in the drill, Japan decided to remain as an active member of the drill as the United States immediately modified its scenario, so that the Japanese naval ship would not have to enter the port.
South Korea's efforts to portray Japan as a nation making a false territorial claim over Takeshima islets by framing Japan up whenever South Korea has a chance to do so must come to nothing. It is urgently requested that the international community will somehow teach South Korea a lesson by strengthening the function of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), so that South Korea will have to respond to Japan's request to jointly refer Takeshima issue to ICJ. Otherwise, the world will practically find no way to settle the issue in a peaceful manner, thereby defeating an idea of settling any international disputes without resorting to military forces. The United Nations must not encourage such a rogue nation as South Korea to act against Japan's strong desire to pursue peace and stability in the East Asia. Never allow invaders to benefit from obstruction of justice.
The free world should condemn South Korea, also known as a little China(小中国) for its rudeness.
a related-story in Japanese:
韓国が自衛艦寄港を拒否 26日からPSI訓練 日本側「極めて非礼」 - MSN産経ニュース http://sankei.jp.msn.com/world/news/120925/kor12092502220000-n1.htm
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