@StateDept @HilaryClinton @jakeadelstein
tweets as follows:
We have been told to calm down. Because that’s only a small portion of Chinese population who are engaged in terrorist acts so-called “radical anti-Japan protests”. However, as soon as the limited number of Japanese stages quiet demonstrations under the slogan of “Senkaku is part of Japan!”, the whole Japan gets accused of taking a strong conservative swing by some damn shits. They are trying to shut our mouths and they are trying to stop us from demonstrating. They are almost like Chinese agitators.
中国人が、過激なデモというテロをしても、あんなの一部だから日本は落ち着いてというw 日本は、一部の人が尖閣は日本の領土!という、静かなデモをしただけで極右! 日本全体の右傾化が心配と騒ぐアホがいるw 日本には何も言わせない デモもさせたくない というまるで中国共産党扇動要員みたい
The above tweet has been selected because it expresses Japan's view on behalf of a majority of Japanese.
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