日本国沖縄県石垣市登野城- Tonoshiro, Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
On September 22, 2012, a source disclosed a report suggesting that China had possibly used air rifles and had fired steel balls at the Embassy of Japan in Beijing from September 15 to September 17. Eight window glasses were found broken and steel balls of less than 10 mm in diameter were found in large quantity.
One finds it difficult to assume that anti-Japan protesters might have used sling shots as streets were inundated with a large number of protesters and onlookers during that period. Thus, one assumption surfacing is that somebody might have used air rifles and might have fired steel balls at the Embassy from high rise buildings situated at about 100 meters distance across the streets.
The Embassy uses tempered glasses for windows, specially designed and produced with highly sophisticated Japanese technology, so that they will not scatter if broken. Repairing costs are said to be in the order of 30 million Yen only for the broken windows. The Embassy reportedly filed a complaint with the Beijing Public Security Authority and strongly protested the Chinese government against the incident. China expressed regrets over the incident and promised to strengthen security measures.
A related-story in Japanese 北京の日本大使館:ガラス被害、金属球をエアガンで発射か http://mainichi.jp/select/news/20120922k0000m040166000c.html
時事ドットコム:窓ガラス6枚が破損=デモ隊の金属球で-日本大使館 http://www.jiji.com/jc/zc?k=201209/2012091800474
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