【拡散希望】2012年は韓国と国交断絶しよう!理由は複数あり。歴史捏造、日本冒涜、詐欺、主権と領土侵略、法律違反、国際法違反、言いがかり、経済テロ、などマイナスが多い異常国家の韓国とは国交断絶が国民の冷静な判断です。" #韓流ドラマ #kpoop
Japan's primary objective of 2012:
To sever diplomatic relation with deranged S. Korea in view of its repeated distortion of historical facts (including fabrication of stories with no objective evidences at all, etc.), its insulting behavior and words shown against Japan and her people (including "blasphemy against those souls of Japanese soldiers enshrined at Yasukuni Shrine"), frauds, violation of Japan's sovereignty and territory, violation of international laws and Japan's domestic laws, economic terrorism, etc. that portray South Korea as a state only hazardous to Japan and her people. This is the best possible decision we have prudently made so far.
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