hirata shinji頑張ろう日本!@shinjihi
tweets as follows;
A rumor that South Korean pres. Lee looks like illegally entering Takeshima, Japan today. He could be legally arrested for the violation of Japan's immigration control law.
韓国の李 明博 大統領が今日、竹島に不法入国の噂がある。法的には入国管理法違反で逮捕出来るね!\_( ゚ロ゚)ここ重要
tweets as follows;
A rumor that South Korean pres. Lee looks like illegally entering Takeshima, Japan today. He could be legally arrested for the violation of Japan's immigration control law.
韓国の李 明博 大統領が今日、竹島に不法入国の噂がある。法的には入国管理法違反で逮捕出来るね!\_( ゚ロ゚)ここ重要
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