日本国島根県竹島 Takeshima, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
日本からの金と資本財が止まれば、韓国経済は持ちません。 所詮 鵜飼いの鵜 なのですから、飼い主に逆らえば餌がもらえなくなるだけの話です。 金も食料も石油も日本に依存している国なのですね。 冷静に冷徹に冷酷に クールジャパンがキーワードw
Stopping flow of money and capital goods from Japan into South Korea, the Korean economy will not last any longer. After all, South Korea is only a cormorant used for cormorant fishing. No feed will be given if it gets to be roguish to Cormorant Fishing Master. The country depends on Japan for money, foods, and oil. Our key words here are "keep ourselves cool".
The above translation is provisional and subject to change.
Cormorant Fishing Video:Cormorant Fishing Master and his cormorants
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