@FukudaNao 開会式の映像は、見るに堪えない。イギリスという国を商品化するとして、他国との差別化を試みた場合、最初に浮かぶのが、”残虐・非道な植民地支配と奴隷貿易の歴史です。この国も捏造国家と言わざるを得ない。RT見よオリンピック開会式を、「蝶」が舞ってる。蝶ってのは「お前ら何もわかってない奴隷」ってことを意味する。この開会式には様々な意味が隠されてる。ピラミッドもそうだ。よくご覧あれ。
It is so horrible and unbearable to see the opening ceremony of the Olympics 2012 now being held in the United Kingdom. Suppose you are ordered to commercialize the United Kingdom as a product in such a manner as to differentiate it from others by your superior at the company you are working for. What is the first thing that strikes your mind when you hear the United Kingdom? No one doubts that you will identify the United Kingdom with "outrageous cruelty and deprivation of human rights maliciously practiced in its history of the slave trade and colonial rule. in reply to @FukudaNao Look at the opening ceremony of Olympics 2012 now going on. Butterflies are flying in the air. You know what those butterflies imply? They are slaves. Lots of historical symbols used in the opening ceremony are carrying the hidden meanings. Just look at a pyramid! #London2012 #LondonOlympics
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