In the post war Japan, "those professionally engaged in forging history" have propagated. They are conscienceless scholars, lawyers, etc. closely connected with mass media in pursuit of Marxism, thereby exclusively dominating media coverage and educational institutions.
偽情報宣伝(プロパガンダ)は、”嘘”(Lies)”、”半分嘘(Half-Truth)”、”事実の歪曲(Distortion of Facts)”、”一部事実のつまみ食い(Selective Information)”、の四タイプが基本だが、ここで扱う「歴史の偽造」のケースは、”嘘”だけで創られ宣伝され流布された第一のタイプである。その目的には、二つある。第一は、「軍隊=悪」のイメージ作戦で、「反軍」キャンペーンである。日本「国民」から国防意識を消滅させ国防力を弱体化しようとしている。
Propaganda can be classified into four basic types: the first type is "Lies", the second "Half-Truth", the third "Distortion of Facts", and the fourth "Selective Information". The type of propaganda dealt here in this book is the first type "Lies", upon which rumors are based. It has dual purpose; the first purpose is to imprint "military forces are evil" into Japanese minds and then to deprive Japanese nationals of a sense of defending Japan, thereby weaken Japan's defense.
The second purpose is to promote anti-Japan campaign by defining Japan's past as "evil", thereby disconnecting a historical link between the past and present of Japan, diminishing Japanese pride of our ancestors, and eventually losing our identity.
歴史を偽造する韓国 韓国併合と搾取された日本 中川八洋 第一刷 2002年4月30日
Excerpts from a book tentatively titled "Korea is guilty of forgeries"-Japan is a victim of exploitation by Korea by Mr. Yatuhiro Nakagawa First published on April 30, 2002
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