兵庫県tweets as follows:
If the American interpretation of The Pacific War widely published by US, in which US and UK deeply rooted in democratic values fought and defeated dictatorial Imperial Japan, were accepted as being true, Japan's military authority would have to be blamed for its aggressions while US and UK would have to be blamed for their colonial expansion, based on the consensus nurtured through the democratic process
In other words, the Imperial Japanese Military Authority alone was responsible for its aggression while the entire populations of US and UK were fully responsible for their brutal colonization in Asia and Africa.
Note: The Pacific War officially known as "The Greater East Asia War" in Japan
ShogoroGamou アメリカが宣伝したような「軍部独裁国家日本」vs「民主主義国家米英」という構図に沿うと、日本は「軍部の独裁」によって侵略戦争を仕掛けたのに対し、米英は「国民の総意」によって植民地を拡大したことになる。これなら軍部だけが悪い日本に対して米英は国民全員が悪人じゃないか。
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