Questionnaire for those Korean citizens living in Japan, who still insist that they were forced to come to Japan.
- Specify in details who forced you to go where.
- Specify the reasons why both Koreas have never demanded Japan to repatriate you for 66 years after the war.
- Specify the reasons why you have never asked your countries to rescue you for 66 years after the war.
- Describe the reasons why both Koreas have neglected your presence here in Japan for 66 years after the war.
- Describe the reasons why you have not set up "repatriation scheme" for 66 years after the war.
- Describe the reasons why you have not proposed to Japan "repatriation scheme" for 66 years after the war.
In the event that you fail to provide reasonable answers to the above questions, you will be automatically regarded as either a descendant of illegal immigrants or an illegal immigrant.
Admirable Patriotism of Korean citizens living in Japan
- Despite the fact that you are the foreigner who is supposed to have been forced to come to Japan, you have never said "Send me back to my mother country!"
- Despite the fact that you admire your home country as a beautiful country, you have never tried to return to your home country and have always neglected your obligation to serve your home country as a soldier under "Draft System".
- It is said that Koreas are your home country but no place for you to fit in there.
- Despite the fact that you are the foreigner who despises Japan's national flag "Rising Sun", you have never shown any intention to leave Japan at all.
- Despite the fact that you are so proud of your Korean names, you have never used them but Japanese names which you are supposed to have constantly hated for decades.
- Despite the fact that you despise Japanese, you pretend to be Japanese not only in real life but also on internet.
- Whenever you encounter any troubles in foreign countries, you rush into Japanese embassies for help but not Korean embassies.
- Despite the fact that you have a voting right back in your home country, why do you demand Japan to grant you a right to vote in the local elections?
- Do not interfere with Japan's internal affairs. However, it is not our concern whether you complain about your home country.
・ 誰によってどこへ強制連行されたのか詳細を述べなさい。
・ 戦後66年間,祖国から帰還請求がない理由を述べなさい。
・ 戦後66年間,祖国に助けを求めなかった理由を述べなさい。
・ 戦後66年間,祖国が在日朝鮮人を問題視していない理由を述べなさい。
・ 戦後66年間,自分達で帰国事業を立ち上げなかった理由を述べなさい。
・ 戦後66年間,日本人に対して帰還事業を提案しなかった理由を述べなさい。
・ 強制連行されてきた外国人のはずだが、祖国に帰らせろとは言わない。
・ 祖国は日本よりすばらしいと言うくせに、帰ろうとはしない。徴兵も無視。
・ 帰る祖国が存在するのに、帰る場所はないと言う。
・ 日の丸を見るのも嫌な外国人のくせに、日本から出て行こうとはしない。
・ 立派な朝鮮人名を名乗らず、屈辱なはずの日本人名を自らの意思で名乗る。
・ 大嫌いなはずの日本人に、リアルでもネット上でも成りすます。
・ 外国でトラブルに遭うと、祖国の大使館ではなく日本の大使館に泣きつく。
・ 祖国に帰れば参政権があるのに、なぜか先に日本での参政権を要求する。
・ 祖国を良くするための諫言はしないが、日本には内政干渉をする。
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