It looks like the Korean-tainted PM Kan=Can (Pronounced "Kan" in Japanese) will have to be kicked around until he gets exhausted and decides to step down. Just like in a Japanese Kan Keri Game=Kick the Can Game. Note: "Kick the Can Game" that was so popular among kids in the post war Japan. I have a strong feeling that this game is going to be so popular again and will remain so popular until the Korean-tainted Prime Minister of Japan Kan will step down. Here is how to play the game. First, you decide who's going to be a devil by playing Jan-Ken-Pon=Rock-Paper-Scissors. Then, any one of the kids kicks the can and then, the devil goes and gets it, and places it at the predetermined location while the rest of the kids run away and hide wherever possible. The devil has to prevent the can from being kicked by anyone of the kids and at the same time looks around to find other kids hiding behind trees, houses, etc. If any one of the kids is found by the devil, he has to stay within a circle agreed upon before the game started until he is rescued by other kids. If any one of the remaining kids successfully kicks the can without being seen by the devil, the kid inside the circle becomes free and can run away. The game is over when all the kinds are found by the devil.
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