RT @miocatmiomio: @sun_flower971 こんばんは。この副読本の著者ようこ・ワトキンスさんを呼び出し、在米コリア大使館が、謝罪させた記事と写真が産経に出てました。日本大使館からは、援軍なし。大東亜戦争の被害者は、コリアンであり、日本人が受けた犯罪の数々は、認めないとのことでした。
こんにちは!西村幸祐です。これからも色々な形で情報発信に努め、メディアの問題点や様々なテーマを追求していきます。 公式サイト ⇒ http://kohyu.jpn.com/ 西村幸祐放送局 ⇒ http://broadcast.kohyu.jpn.com/
via twitpic.com
A half of Sichuan province now occupied by China is in fact Tibet. The map printed and published in the United States in 1932. Besides, China invaded Inner Mongolia 65 years ago.
Inner Mongolian exiles mark China's 58 years occupation
Marking the 50th Anniversary of the Chinese takeover of Inner Mongolia
日本国沖縄県石垣市登野城- Tonoshiro, Ishigaki City, Okinawa
Prefecture, Japan
Forty years ago, China was one of the underdeveloped countries, however, with nuclear weapons developed before it even cared about feeding its own population, whose sole aim of approaching Japan in 1972 was to access Japan's technology and money. Having achieved her economic success well assisted by Japan and others, China seems to have decided to invade Japan for whatever reasons it may find even though they are considered far-fetched.
It is believed that Japan's failure to detect China's vicious and greedy intention has now greatly endangered peace and stability in the Far East and possibly in the Asia-Pacific.
The free world must stop China before growing its dangerously imperialistic claws longer.
a related-post Unforgivable violence in China
Somber marking of Japan-China ties | The Japan Times Online#.UGqJ2-xOe6A.twitter: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/ed20121002a1.html#.UGqLujCaIGJ.twitter
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