Although North Korea often reports and claims that Japanese people committed mass killing at the time of Great Kanto Quake that occurred at 11:58:44 am JST (2:58:44 UTC=Coordinated Universal Time synonymous with GMT) on Saturday, September 1, 1923, the article published on October 21, 1923 reports otherwise on what happened after the major quake.
Law enforcement authority states as follows:
According to our survey on credibility of the newspaper ariticles frequently reporting that some of the Koreans committed the illegal acts at the time of Great Kanto Quake, we could acknowledge the fact that Koreans were generally good while some discontent Koreans committed numerous crimes.
They committed such crimes as looting, arson, rape, murder, and possession of illegal weapons.
The newspaper article on Korean brutality at the time of Great Kanto Quake-dated October, 21, 1923
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