日本国沖縄県石垣市登野城- Tonoshiro, Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
Amid mounting tensions between Japan and China due to Chinese greed for its territorial expansion into Japan, Japan has been wondering why Chinese officials and state media have remained silent on the status of Xi Jinping, China's would-be leader for 12 days.
When NHK World (an international news program of Japan's broadcasting corporation) was trying to report on Xi Jinping last night in China, TV broadcasting was blacked out for the unknown reason. However, TV viewers saw the headline shown on TV for a second, from which they could easily guess what happened.
When NHK was about to report on his mysterious disappearance from public view, considered quite attractive to China watchers in the world, NHK international TV broadcasting suddenly became blacked out. That was a second after a headline beginning with his name had appeared on TV.
In China, any information related to death or health condition of its leaders is designated as a national secret. “Black-out” has only fueled speculation about his health condition.
NHKの習氏情報報道を遮断 中国 - MSN産経ニュース http://sankei.jp.msn.com/world/news/120913/chn12091301220000-n1.htm
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