軍事アナリスト 小川和久@kazuhisa_ogawa
Mr. Kazuhisa Ogawa, Japanese Military Analyst and President of Strategic Research Institute of International Change (SRIC for International Peace and Japan's Security)
"No Japanese allowed to patronize here" (written in Japanese characters) on Japanese national flag at the entrance of two "Zenshutoku" 全聚徳 resturants in Beijing, well-known for Peking Duck since 1864. "Zenshutoku" 全聚徳 has two restaurants thriving in Ginza and Shinjuku, Tokyo; therefore, Chinese government must order, without fail, its headquarters in Beijing not to allow Japanese patrons to come in. Or else, Should they write "No Chinese allowed" on Chinese flags and hoist them? They have been fully patronized by the Embassy of China, though.
日本人お断り=北京ダック店、日の丸に記す―中国新疆(時事通信) -北京ダック老舗「全聚徳」の2店舗。日本でも銀座と新宿で繁盛しているが、放置しないよう中国政府は北京の「全聚徳」本店に厳命すべし。それとも日本の店舗は中国国旗に「中国人は来るな」と書くか。中国大使館御用達だが。
Access "Zenshutoku" 全聚徳 website in Tokyo, Japan. 北京ダック老舗「全聚徳」サイトです。皆さん、自由にアクセスしましょう。
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