tweets as follows:
I even feel sorry for South Korea after I saw a South Korean athlete displaying some ridiculous act after the game was over. They often perform this absurdity at international competitions. Just remember South Korea is a kind of the nation that will not survive without Japan's kind and favorable assistance.
韓国選手の竹島メッセージで - MSN産経ニュース http://sankei.jp.msn.com/london2012/news/120812/otr12081223110015-n1.htm 韓国が哀れに感じた。反面日本は竹島に対して無策であると感じた 韓国は国際試合においてこのように垂れ幕等の場面を見受けるが可愛そうなみんぞくだな~日本の援助がなければ成り立たない国なのに
tweets as follows:
I even feel sorry for South Korea after I saw a South Korean athlete displaying some ridiculous act after the game was over. They often perform this absurdity at international competitions. Just remember South Korea is a kind of the nation that will not survive without Japan's kind and favorable assistance.
韓国選手の竹島メッセージで - MSN産経ニュース http://sankei.jp.msn.com/london2012/news/120812/otr12081223110015-n1.htm 韓国が哀れに感じた。反面日本は竹島に対して無策であると感じた 韓国は国際試合においてこのように垂れ幕等の場面を見受けるが可愛そうなみんぞくだな~日本の援助がなければ成り立たない国なのに
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