韓国人は、「日帝の植民地支配は、人類史上最悪の搾取」とよく言う。これに対して、私は、いつも、「あなたは、世界のすべての植民地の歴史を熟知した後も、同じことをいえますか?」と詰め寄って、ベトナム、インド、アフリカ、ラテンアメリカ、などの国々について具体的に指摘する。そこでの学校教育はこうだ。税金は、こうだ。軍事予算はこうだということを、韓国と比較しながら反問する。すると、植民地の専門家以外の韓国人は、たいてい答えに窮してしどろもどろになる。感情的な人は、答えられないイライラから、テーブルを足でけって去ってしまうこともある。 黄 文雄 韓国は日本がつくった
South Koreans often practice "Psittacism" by repeating "Colonial rule by Imperial Japan is the worst exploitation ever done in a history of mankind." Then, I always get closer to them and say to their faces "Would you say the same thing even after you have been exposed to realities and historical facts of what colonization really was ?" I show them comparative analyses of education systems, taxation systems, military budgets in the nations that experienced colonization such as Vietnam, India, nations in Latin America, etc.
Most of them then start mumbling because they are hard put to reply my question. Some get so emotional, lose their control, and fade away after kicking tables.
An excerpt from a book entitled "South Korea Created by Japan" by Kō Bunyū
The above translation is provisional and subject to change. Ted Yokohama
Note: Psittacism is speech or writing that appears mechanical or repetitive in the manner of a parrot. More generally it is a pejorative description of the use of words which appear to have been used without regard to their meaning. Wikepedia
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