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U.S. developed incendiary bombs specifically designed to maximize the effect of indiscriminate bombing non-combatants including unborn babies, babies, children, women, the aged, etc.
LeMay and his man were happy about their kills.
Hundreds of thousands of lives were suddenly and deliberately ended by evil, despicable acts of atrocity. B-29 bombers flying at very low altitude above Tokyo, dropping incendiary bombs and napalms on the innocent civilians. Exploding -- not only burning a huge -- a huge number of houses but also suffocating and incinerating a huge -- a huge number of humans have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness, and unyielding anger. It was just a huge -- a huge gas chamber and a huge incinerator --the largest ever created in the history of mankind. It was just intended to demonstrate their superiority over the Asian races. But they failed. Many Asian nations gained independence from the white ruled nations after the war.-Ted Yokohama.
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