@PONY0301: いま在日朝鮮人たちが焦ってる理由。2012年在日韓国人に徴兵義務強制、拒否すれば財産没収。すべての原因はこれ。成立すれば在日は兵役こなすか、大金納めるかしかなくなる。しかも日本での永住資格はなくなる。その前に日本を自分達のものにして法律を捻じ曲げて永住資格を維持する必要があった。 tweets A major concern of South Korean citizens living in Japan is that the government of south korea may introduce "Drafting System" in 2012, applicable to south korean citizens in Japan. If they refuse to be drafted, either their korean citizenship will be revoked or their assets will be confiscated. Besides, their permanent visa will be revoked. Therefore, they have interfered with Japan's internal affairs in an attempt to influence Japan's politics, thereby realizing their continued presence here.
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